Sladen Snippet – new superannuation measures effective 1 July 2022

Sladen Snippet – new superannuation measures effective 1 July 2022

A quick reminder of the new superannuation measures which are effective as of 1 July 2022:

Treasurer Confirms - Cryptocurrency Not treated as foreign currency

Treasurer Confirms - Cryptocurrency Not treated as foreign currency

In the absence of a comprehensive definition of ‘foreign currency’ in the Australia tax legislation the ATO and Australian courts have interpreted ‘foreign currency’ to be currency issued or recognised by an overseas sovereign state.

Sladen Snippet – SMSF BDBNs not bound by SIS Regs – Hill v Zuda

Sladen Snippet – SMSF BDBNs not bound by SIS Regs – Hill v Zuda

In the much anticipated decision of Hill v Zuda Pty Ltd, the High Court has determined that regulation 6.17A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SIS Regs) does not apply to binding death benefit nominations (BDBNs) prepared for self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs).

PCG 2017/13: sub-trust arrangements – welcome (continued) relief from the ATO

PCG 2017/13: sub-trust arrangements – welcome (continued) relief from the ATO

Draft Taxation Determination TD 2022/D1 sets out the Australian Taxation Office’s (ATO) views on when an unpaid present entitlement (UPE) with a corporate beneficiary is a loan for the purposes of Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. We wrote about TD 2022/D1 here.

Sladen Snippet – ATO confirms NALE practical administration approach is extended to 30 June 2023

Sladen Snippet – ATO confirms NALE practical administration approach is extended to 30 June 2023

The ATO has confirmed that its current administrative approach to the non-arm’s length expenditure (NALE), as set out in Practical Compliance Guide PCG 2020/5, will be extended to 30 June 2023.

The NALI/NALE Whirlwind – Where Are We At?

The NALI/NALE Whirlwind – Where Are We At?

Non-arm’s length income (NALI) has been a hot topic of discussion and debate in the SMSF industry in recent years, in particular since the ATO first released their draft ruling on non-arm’s length expenditure (NALE) in 2018 (and its subsequent iterations).

SMSFS And Property Development: Key Compliance Imperatives

SMSFS And Property Development: Key Compliance Imperatives

SMSFs (self managed superannuation funds) have been carrying on property development activities ever since SMSFs came into existence. Yet despite that there is still a common concern that such activities will cause the SMSF to become non-compliant, or subject to penalties, on the basis that such activities, and in particular undertaking a property development business, are prohibited.

Significant changes to various New South Wales state taxes legislation – State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW)

Significant changes to various New South Wales state taxes legislation – State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW)

The State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW) (Act) received Royal Assent on 19 May 2022.

Trusts Intensive - What’s That? My Distribution Is Invalid?

Trusts Intensive - What’s That? My Distribution Is Invalid?

Actions of trustees in administering trusts are increasingly being challenged by beneficiaries. Such challenges often come to light with disputes as to the validity of amendments to trust deeds and the identity of the appointor. These issues often bring to light other deficiencies in trust administration with some of the most significant being the potential invalidity of the trustee’s year end resolutions concerning the appointment of trust law distributable income.

Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave Entitlement on the Radar

Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave Entitlement on the Radar

The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) recently came to a provisional view that there should be a modern award entitlement to 10 days of paid family and domestic violence (FDV) leave. The Full Bench’s provisional view may be accessed here.

Is Cryptocurrency a Foreign Currency for Tax Purposes?

Is Cryptocurrency a Foreign Currency for Tax Purposes?

Taxpayers using cryptocurrency in their businesses, including as a means of paying expenses such as staff or contractors or as a means of deriving income through investments, mining or trading, is becoming more common. After a particularly volatile year for the values of cryptocurrency many taxpayers may have significant gains or losses associated with their cryptocurrency transactions.

Sladen Snippet - Key changes to super guarantee rates and thresholds from 1 July 2022

Sladen Snippet - Key changes to super guarantee rates and thresholds from 1 July 2022

As discussed here, one of the key superannuation announcements in the May 2021 budget was the removal of the minimum $450 threshold for super guarantee purposes.

When is a unit trust not a unit trust? – when it’s a hybrid trust

When is a unit trust not a unit trust? – when it’s a hybrid trust

Both federal and state tax legislations contain different tax rules for different forms of trusts. The recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal) decision of Sharlin Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 378 has provided much-needed clarity and insights into relevant considerations to determine whether a hybrid unit trust is a unit trust or a discretionary trust for the purpose of the land tax exemption for primary production land (PPL).