
Sladen Snippet – NALE changes pass parliament

Sladen Snippet – NALE changes pass parliament

After a number of years in the making, the changes to the non-arm’s length expenses (NALE) rules have now passed through Parliament. While, as previously noted, the changes did not go far enough for many of the tax industry, and accounting bodies, the changes offer some relief to taxpayers.

Sladen snippet - S&H Investments - Company cannot contract out of super guarantee

Sladen snippet - S&H Investments - Company cannot contract out of super guarantee

In the decision of S&H Investments Pty Ltd and Commissioner of Taxation [2024] AATA 893, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), the Tribunal affirmed the decision of the Commissioner of Taxation to assess the taxpayer for the superannuation guarantee charge for failing to pay superannuation for their employee/contractor referred to as “TW”.

Sladen Snippet - Kirk - superannuation removed no longer protected from creditors

Sladen Snippet - Kirk - superannuation removed no longer protected from creditors

In the decision of Kirk as trustee of the Property of Smith (a Bankrupt) v Smith [2024] FCA 240 (15 March 2024) the Federal Court held, among other things, that a transfer of superannuation from the husband to his wife’s superannuation was no longer protected as an interest of the bankrupt in a regulated super fund under section 116(2)(d)(iii)(A) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Bankruptcy Act).

Stern – Transfer Balance Account calculated to include Defined Benefit Pension – in accordance with the operative provisions, not the guide

Stern – Transfer Balance Account calculated to include Defined Benefit Pension – in accordance with the operative provisions, not the guide

In the decision of Stern v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] FCAFC 21 the Full Federal Court found against the taxpayer, who raised an argument that Division 294 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 97) should not be interpreted such that both his pension was to be commuted under a commutation authority issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) due to his pensions exceeding his transfer balance cap, and that he also must pay excess transfer balance tax for exceeding his transfer balance cap.

Sladen Snippet - Cihan - Transfer of land to an SMSF reversed for unconscionable dealing

 Sladen Snippet - Cihan - Transfer of land to an SMSF reversed for unconscionable dealing

The NSW Supreme Court decision of Cihan Family Trust v Cihan Family Superannuation Fund [2023] NSWSC 1289 found that a transfer of land from a family trust to a SMSF should be reversed on the basis of unconscionable conduct of a son against his father.

Sladen Snippet – Corbisieri – BDBN invalid due to relationship breakdown

Sladen Snippet – Corbisieri – BDBN invalid due to relationship breakdown

The case of Corbisieri v NM Superannuation Proprietary Limited [2023] FCA 1319  involved an appeal by the mother of a deceased against the decision of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) to uphold a BDBN to benefit the de facto spouse of her late son, which was to be funded out of life insurance proceeds in AMP Superannuation.

Sladen Snippet – van Camp – deathbed BDBN found to be valid

Sladen Snippet – van Camp – deathbed BDBN found to be valid

In this Judgment of the NSW Supreme Court, a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) signed on the date of death of the sole member of a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) was upheld. Challenges to the BDBN’s validity, by the SMSF trustee and two of the deceased’s executors, based on lack of capacity and unconscionability both failed.

Draft legislation released for “Div 296 tax” – an additional 15% tax on $3M+ super balances (including unrealised gains)

Draft legislation released for “Div 296 tax” – an additional 15% tax on $3M+ super balances (including unrealised gains)

Further to previous announcements, Treasury has released draft legislation for the additional 15% tax on $3M+ balances. While the measure is called the “Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions”, the tax itself is destined to be known as the (uninspiring name of) “Div 296 tax”.

Sladen Snippet – Loans in breach of SIS Act unenforceable – End of the world or confined to its facts?

Sladen Snippet – Loans in breach of SIS Act unenforceable – End of the world or confined to its facts?

In Colaciello Super Pty Ltd v Christensen [2023] VSC 568 the Supreme Court of Victoria held that a loan in breach of sections 62 and 65 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act) was unenforceable under the defence of illegality.

Protecting Worker Entitlements – What Do the Changes Mean for Your Business?

Protecting Worker Entitlements – What Do the Changes Mean for Your Business?

The second tranche of workplace relations reforms have now received Royal Assent, bringing into force the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Protecting Worker Entitlements) Act 2023 (Cth) (Entitlements Act) on 1 July 2023. It is important that employers are aware of the changes and how these changes will impact the workplace.

Sladen snippet – JMC – right to delegate means no super guarantee

Sladen snippet – JMC – right to delegate means no super guarantee

The Full Federal Court, in the decision of JMC Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2023] FCAFC 76, has effectively found that a right to delegate (unless such right is a sham) means a person will be a contractor (and not an employee) and won’t be engaged principally for their labour.

Sladen Snippet – Williams Part 2 - another SMSF trustee bites the dust

Sladen Snippet – Williams Part 2 - another SMSF trustee bites the dust

As seen in Part 1 of our article on the case of Williams v Williams, this is the latest of a long line of cases that have found that a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) was not binding. However, the case also is an important decision in relation to when the Court will remove an SMSF trustee.

Sladen Snippet – Williams Part 1 - another BDBN bites the dust

Sladen Snippet – Williams Part 1 - another BDBN bites the dust

In the case of Williams v Williams, the Supreme Court of Queensland has determined that a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) was not binding on the basis that it was not provided to the trustees of the applicable self managed superannuation fund (SMSF).

Sladen snippet – employees to be given right to enforce super contributions

Sladen snippet – employees to be given right to enforce super contributions

One of the anomalies of the super guarantee system is the inability of employees to force employers to make contributions payable under the system. That could soon change, with proposed changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 which would allow employees to force employers to make contributions to avoid the liability to pay the super contribution charge under the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (SG Act)

Sladen Snippet - Super to be paid on an employee’s payday

Sladen Snippet - Super to be paid on an employee’s payday

The Government has announced that, from 1 July 2026, employers will obligated to make super contributions at the same time they pay their employee’s their salary and wages (eg weekly, fortnightly or monthly). Currently, super must be made within 28 days of the end of each quarter.

Sladen Snippet – ATO issues a draft legislative instrument to ensue directors (and politicians) can make personal deductible contributions

Sladen Snippet – ATO issues a draft legislative instrument to ensue directors (and politicians) can make personal deductible contributions

As a result of recent changes to the work test, a technical deficiency was identified, such that, persons who are not common law employees, like directors and politicians, could no longer make personal deductible superannuation contributions.

Treasury proposes NALI tax rate of 225%

Treasury proposes NALI tax rate of 225%

After industry pushback against the disproportionate application of the non-arm’s length income (NALI) and non-arm’s length expenses (NALE) rules, Treasury has a released a discussion paper to modify the application of the NALI/NALE rules.

Sladen Snippet – ATO warns on SMSF gift and loan back (asset protection) arrangements

Sladen Snippet – ATO warns on SMSF gift and loan back (asset protection) arrangements

In an interesting development, the ATO has released a warning in relation to SMSFs entering into gift and loan back arrangements.

Super guarantee Series - Part 4: How is super guarantee and the super guarantee charge calculated?

Super guarantee Series - Part 4: How is super guarantee and the super guarantee charge calculated?

In Part 1 of our Super Guarantee article series, we discussed the background to the super guarantee regime and an overview of how the regime operates. In Part 2, we looked at who will be covered by the super guarantee regime, and in Part 3 we specifically looked at when this will include certain contractors.