Sladen Snippet – Malcolm - Land tax joint assessment

Sladen Snippet – Malcolm - Land tax joint assessment

The decision of Malcolm v Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] VCAT 218 has considered the operation of the joint owners of land provisions for Victorian land tax purposes and confirmed that where two taxpayers own multiple parcels of land together, the joint owned land will be aggregated and the progressive scale of land tax rates will be applied only once.

Conexa - Water Pipeline is an Interest in Land and Subject to Landholder Duty

Conexa - Water Pipeline is an Interest in Land and Subject to Landholder Duty

The New South Wales Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal against a decision that a pipeline was dutiable for the purposes of the New South Wales landholder duty provisions in Conexa Sydney Holdings Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] NSWCA 20.

T & A Skills Care Service – The importance of evidence for primary production land tax exemptions

T & A Skills Care Service – The importance of evidence for primary production land tax exemptions

The recent NCAT decision of T & A Skills Care Service Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] NSWCATAD 18 demonstrates the importance of a taxpayer discharging its evidentiary burden in claiming the primary production exemption from land tax.

Victorian land tax trust provisions – VCAT’s changing perspective

Victorian land tax trust provisions – VCAT’s changing perspective

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision of Caloutas as trustee for Caloutas Family Trust v Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] VCAT 82 has considered the interaction of bare or fixed trusts and the Victorian land tax trust surcharge provisions.

Can you recover landholder duty from other parties (including from shareholders) - Aviation 3030 Pty Ltd

Can you recover landholder duty from other parties (including from shareholders) - Aviation 3030 Pty Ltd

The Victorian Supreme Court decision of Aviation 3030 Pty Ltd (in liq) v Lao Holdings Pty Ltd [2024] VSC 800 has considered the ability for a company to recover landholder duty from the shareholders that had made the relevant acquisition.

Uber not liable for payroll tax – New South Wales Supreme Court decision

Uber not liable for payroll tax – New South Wales Supreme Court decision

The New South Wales Supreme Court has that Uber is not liable for payroll tax on payments made to drivers in Uber Australia Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2024] NSWSC 1124.

Sladen Snippet - New Victorian Short Stay Levy Bill 2024 introduced into Parliament

Sladen Snippet - New Victorian Short Stay Levy Bill 2024 introduced into Parliament

A new tax will be imposed on both short stay service platforms and others who offer direct bookings of short stay accommodation. The levy will apply to stays less than 28 days but will exclude a homeowner’s principal place of residence or commercial residential premises (i.e. a hotel, motel etc).

Imbree Appeal - NSW taxpayer denied stamp duty exemption for transfer from SMSF to member

Imbree Appeal - NSW taxpayer denied stamp duty exemption for transfer from SMSF to member

A taxpayer has lost an appeal in New South Wales on the ground that a potential exemption did not apply to agreements to transfer. This has wide implications for other transactions.

Oliver Hume Appeal - Victorian Landholder Duty Applies on Capital Raising

Oliver Hume Appeal - Victorian Landholder Duty Applies on Capital Raising

On 8 August 2024, the Victorian Court of Appeal in Oliver Hume Property Funds (Broad Gully Rd) Diamond Creek Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2024] VSCA 175 confirmed that landholder duty applied on the separate acquisition of shares by 18 investors under a single capital raising.  The Court held that that capital raising amounted to substantially one arrangement and therefore was a relevant acquisition for landholder duty purposes.

Tao - Becoming a sole director of a corporate trustee triggers landholder duty despite no acquisition of units in a unit trust

Tao - Becoming a sole director of a corporate trustee triggers landholder duty despite no acquisition of units in a unit trust

The VCAT decision of Tao v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2024] VCAT 637 has confirmed the breadth of the Victorian landholder duty change of control provisions - despite no acquisition of units in a unit trust.

Water Pipeline Subject To Duty As “Goods” For The Purpose Of The New South Wales Landholder Duty Provisions in Conexa Syndey Holdings

Water Pipeline Subject To Duty As “Goods” For The Purpose Of The New South Wales Landholder Duty Provisions in Conexa Syndey Holdings

On 24 May 2024 the New South Wales Supreme Court held that landholder duty applied to value of a water carrying pipeline in Conexa Sydney Holdings Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue (2024] NSWSC 628.

Godolphin case: High Court decision considers the “dominant use” test under the NSW land tax primary production exemption

Godolphin case: High Court decision considers the “dominant use” test under the NSW land tax primary production exemption

The High Court has dismissed an appeal by Godolphin Australia Pty Ltd (Godolphin) and confirmed that it cannot claim the primary production land tax exemption, as it was unable to show that the “dominant use” of its properties was for primary production where it also had substantial horseracing activities.  The decision illustrates the issues that can arise when primary production land is used as part of business models that include other interrelated activities.

GP Tax – Payroll tax changes flagged in Victoria

GP Tax – Payroll tax changes flagged in Victoria

In a major backdown, the Victorian State Government has agreed to reduce some of the impact of the recent policy shifts towards taxing general practitioners as employees for payroll tax purposes.

State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 – Welcome expansion of holiday home exemption for vacant residential land tax to properties in trusts

State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 – Welcome expansion of holiday home exemption for vacant residential land tax to properties in trusts

On 14 May 2024, the State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 (Vic) (the Bill) was released after having its second reading speech in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.

Payroll tax crackdown on medical and allied health practices continues – revenue authorities release rulings

Payroll tax crackdown on medical and allied health practices continues  – revenue authorities release rulings

Employers and business entities must pay payroll tax in relation to wages paid to its employees. In addition, such entities must pay payroll tax in relation to contractors engaged under “relevant contracts”.

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 1 Overview of Land Tax

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 1 Overview of Land Tax

What is land tax

Land tax is a state and territory tax. It is an annual tax that is levied by the state authorities of each state and territory based on the total taxable value of land held in the particular jurisdiction.

VCAT finds the sub-sale double duty provisions are triggered due to land development

VCAT finds the sub-sale double duty provisions are triggered due to land development

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s (VCAT) decision in Hartman v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 28 (Hartman Case) is a rare decision on the application of the sub-sale “double duty” provisions in the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Act).

Tribunal decision shows the difficulty of satisfying the primary production land tax exemption for farm land that is leased

Tribunal decision shows the difficulty of satisfying the primary production land tax exemption for farm land that is leased

The primary production land tax exemption remains an important concession for farmers and the owners of farm land. The Civil and Administrative Tribunal of New South Wales has added to the list of recent land tax cases offering insight into the application of the primary production land tax exemption.

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 2 Land held on Trust

A Guide To Understanding Land Tax: Part 2 Land held on Trust

What is land tax

Land tax is a state and territory tax. It is an annual tax that is levied by the state authorities of each state and territory based on the total taxable value of land held in the particular jurisdiction.

A Guide to Understanding Land Tax: Part 3 – Foreign (Absentee Owner) surcharge and the vacant residential land tax surcharge

A Guide to Understanding Land Tax: Part 3 – Foreign (Absentee Owner) surcharge and the vacant residential land tax surcharge

As discussed in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, land tax is a state and territory tax levied on the total taxable value of land held by taxpayers in particular jurisdictions. In the case of foreign owners who are deemed to be absent from their properties, additional land tax may be levied on the taxable value of such properties. In Victoria, the foreign person land tax surcharge is known as the absentee owner surcharge regime.