State Taxes

T & A Skills Care Service – The importance of evidence for primary production land tax exemptions

T & A Skills Care Service – The importance of evidence for primary production land tax exemptions

The recent NCAT decision of T & A Skills Care Service Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] NSWCATAD 18 demonstrates the importance of a taxpayer discharging its evidentiary burden in claiming the primary production exemption from land tax.

Victorian land tax trust provisions – VCAT’s changing perspective

Victorian land tax trust provisions – VCAT’s changing perspective

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision of Caloutas as trustee for Caloutas Family Trust v Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] VCAT 82 has considered the interaction of bare or fixed trusts and the Victorian land tax trust surcharge provisions.

Can you recover landholder duty from other parties (including from shareholders) - Aviation 3030 Pty Ltd

Can you recover landholder duty from other parties (including from shareholders) - Aviation 3030 Pty Ltd

The Victorian Supreme Court decision of Aviation 3030 Pty Ltd (in liq) v Lao Holdings Pty Ltd [2024] VSC 800 has considered the ability for a company to recover landholder duty from the shareholders that had made the relevant acquisition.

Oliver Hume Appeal - Victorian Landholder Duty Applies on Capital Raising

Oliver Hume Appeal - Victorian Landholder Duty Applies on Capital Raising

On 8 August 2024, the Victorian Court of Appeal in Oliver Hume Property Funds (Broad Gully Rd) Diamond Creek Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2024] VSCA 175 confirmed that landholder duty applied on the separate acquisition of shares by 18 investors under a single capital raising.  The Court held that that capital raising amounted to substantially one arrangement and therefore was a relevant acquisition for landholder duty purposes.

Tao - Becoming a sole director of a corporate trustee triggers landholder duty despite no acquisition of units in a unit trust

Tao - Becoming a sole director of a corporate trustee triggers landholder duty despite no acquisition of units in a unit trust

The VCAT decision of Tao v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2024] VCAT 637 has confirmed the breadth of the Victorian landholder duty change of control provisions - despite no acquisition of units in a unit trust.

Bill Implementing New Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Replacing Stamp Duty From 1 July 2024 Passed Without Amendments - Future Changes Flagged

Bill Implementing New Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Replacing Stamp Duty From 1 July 2024 Passed Without Amendments - Future Changes Flagged

The new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax reform that progressively abolishes stamp duty on commercial and industrial property from 1 July 2024 is one of the most significant Victorian property tax reforms in the past 30 years.  Anyone looking to buy or sell commercial or industrial property will be impacted.

State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 – Welcome expansion of holiday home exemption for vacant residential land tax to properties in trusts

State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 – Welcome expansion of holiday home exemption for vacant residential land tax to properties in trusts

On 14 May 2024, the State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 (Vic) (the Bill) was released after having its second reading speech in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.

Bill introduced to implement new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax that progressively replaces Land transfer (stamp) duty from 1 July 2024

Bill introduced to implement new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax that progressively replaces Land transfer (stamp) duty from 1 July 2024

The Victorian State Government has introduced a highly anticipated bill to implement the new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax with only three months to go until the 1 July 2024 start date. Those looking to acquire commercial or industrial properties or plan restructures within existing corporate/family groups should consider the interaction of the new regime with existing taxes.

NSW foreign surcharges – international tax treaties update – more countries excluded from the regime

NSW foreign surcharges – international tax treaties update – more countries excluded from the regime

In our previous article, we discuss Revenue NSW’s announcement that it has determined that NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax are inconsistent with international tax treaties entered into by the Australian Federal Government and certain countries (Treaty Countries).

On 29 May 2023, Revenue NSW has updated its list of Treaty Countries to now include India, Japan, Norway and Switzerland.

NSW Government determines that surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax is inconsistent with international tax treaties

NSW Government determines that surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax is inconsistent with international tax treaties

On 21 February 2023 Revenue NSW announced that it has been determined that NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax (Surcharge Provisions) are inconsistent with international tax treaties entered into by the Australian Federal Government with New Zealand, Finland, Germany, and South Africa (Treaty Countries).

Windfall Gains Tax Deductions Shelved

Windfall Gains Tax Deductions Shelved

The introduction of windfall gains tax under the Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Act 2021 (Vic) (Act) has been highly controversial from the outset due to real concerns as to whether the tax truly captures a purported “windfall” by landowners who rezone land in Victoria and its punitive tax rate of 50% of such gains.

Significant changes to various New South Wales state taxes legislation – State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW)

Significant changes to various New South Wales state taxes legislation – State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW)

The State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW) (Act) received Royal Assent on 19 May 2022.

VCAT finds the sub-sale double duty provisions are triggered due to land development

VCAT finds the sub-sale double duty provisions are triggered due to land development

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s (VCAT) decision in Hartman v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 28 (Hartman Case) is a rare decision on the application of the sub-sale “double duty” provisions in the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Act).

Windfall Gains Tax - legislation released – certain concessions granted

Windfall Gains Tax - legislation released – certain concessions granted

In line with the 2021/22 Victorian Budget announcements and following targeted consultations with various stakeholders, the Victorian Government has recently tabled a Bill to introduce the windfall gains tax - Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Bill 2021 (Bill).

Lotus Oaks Part 1 – Primary production land tax exemption - principal business is farming requirement

Lotus Oaks Part 1 – Primary production land tax exemption - principal business is farming requirement

The recent Supreme Court of Victoria decision of Lotus Oaks Pty Ltd as trustee for the Bozzo Family Trust v Commissioner of State Revenue [2021] VSC 388 is significant as it provides further clarification on the application of the primary production land tax exemption for land located in greater Melbourne in an urban zone. This is part one in a series of three articles on this decision.

Lotus Oaks Part 2 – Primary production land tax exemption “of the type” requirement

Lotus Oaks Part 2 – Primary production land tax exemption “of the type” requirement

Part 2 of our series decision of Lotus Oaks Pty Ltd as trustee for the Bozzo Family Trust v Commissioner of State Revenue [2021] VSC 388 looks at the former requirement in section 67 of the Land Tax Act 2005 (Vic) (Act) which required the principal business of the Bozzo FT to be of the type carried on on the subject land.

Lotus Oaks Part 3 – Primary production exemption - substantially full-time engagement requirement

Lotus Oaks Part 3 – Primary production exemption - substantially full-time engagement requirement

This final part of our 3 part series on the Lotus Oaks Pty Ltd as trustee for the Bozzo Family Trust v Commissioner of State Revenue [2021] VSC 388 decision looks at the substantially full-time engagement requirement in section 67 of the Act.

Sladen Snippet - Rural land leased to tenant found not to be used for primary production and subject to land tax

Sladen Snippet - Rural land leased to tenant found not to be used for primary production and subject to land tax

In the recent decision of Chandrala v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2021] NSWCATAD 50, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has determined that rural land, that was leased to a tenant, was not exempt from land tax under the primary production exemption.

Payroll Tax Update: Commissioner’s Appeal to the High Court Denied, A Win for Taxpayers

Payroll Tax Update: Commissioner’s Appeal to the High Court Denied, A Win for Taxpayers

The NSW Chief Commissioner of State Revenue’s (Commissioner) application to the High Court for special leave to appeal the NSW Court of Appeal’s decision in Chief Commissioner of State Revenue v Downer EDI Engineering Pty Ltd [2020] NSWCA 126 has been denied, the High Court finding the appeal “would have insufficient prospects of success”.

Sladen snippet – default interest subject to duty

Sladen snippet – default interest subject to duty

Land transfer duty is calculated on the dutiable value of the property. In Commissioner of State Revenue (Vic) v 1043 Melton Highway Pty Ltd [2020] VSC 820, the Supreme Court considered default interest is included in ‘consideration’ for the transfer of dutiable property.