On 19 February 2025, the Full Federal Court, in FCT v Bendel [2025] FCAFC 15 (Bendel), held that an unpaid present entitlement (UPE) with a corporate beneficiary is not a loan under subsection 109D(3) of Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (ITAA 1936).
PCG 2024/3 – the ATO’s practical approach to section 99B
The ATO has finalised its practical compliance guidance Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2024/3 (Guideline) to clarify how the ATO will apply its compliance resources in relation to the application of section 99B when Australian residents receive payments or benefits from non-resident trusts. The guideline outlines common scenarios, record-keeping expectations, and low-risk arrangements.
Sladen Legal’s Tax Practice Recognised In Doyles Guide Victoria 2024
Sladen Snippet - PBR determines that death benefit to a spouse’s estate is not tax free
Is the payment of a death benefit to a spouse’s estate tax free? The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released a Private Binding Ruling 1052273158502 (PBR) in which it determined that it was not under section 302-10(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 97).
Sladen Snippet - Private Wealth Advisor Program: advisors beware – you are on the ATO’s watch list
Sladen Snippet - PCG 2024/D2 - PSI and Part IVA
On 28 August 2024, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) published Draft Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2024/D2 (Draft PCG) on Personal services businesses and Part IVA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936.
Section 99B – TD 2024/D2 – you can’t always get what you need
Sladen Snippet - Quy v FCT: residency – decision overturned on appeal
We wrote about the decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) in Quy v FCT [2024] AATA 245 here. In that decision, the Tribunal held that Mr Quy, who was physically in Australia for less than 2 months each year, was a resident of Australia for tax purposes.
Restructuring – To Roll Or Not To Roll?
In the current economic landscape, business owners may be considering a restructure, merger, or demerger to adapt, survive, or enable growth. A change in the structure of a business typically involves either the transfer of ownership interests in the entire business or of specific assets of the business.
Part 1: tax consolidation for SMEs series: pros and cons of forming a consolidated group?
Victoria’s new commercial and industrial property tax – a tale of two regimes
As we’ve noted previously, commercial and industrial properties sold or transferred on or from 1July 2024, will enter the new commercial and industrial property regime. Broadly, the regime will operate such that future transfers will not trigger land transfer (stamp) duty but rather the property will be subject to a (further) set of land tax, known as commercial and industrial property tax (CIPT).
TR 2024/D1: Navigating the draft ruling TR 2024/D1 on software distribution arrangements
Who gets it? Priorities under the PPSA: The case of Resilient v Spitfire Corp Ltd (in liq)1
BBlood v FCT: section 100A, more guidance on tax avoidance purpose
The Full Federal Court in the BBlood appeal found for the ATO on section 100A and the taxpayer dividend stripping (albeit on a technical, non-substantive basis).
The 100A analysis was limited to ‘tax avoidance purpose’ with the Full Court holding that, in certain circumstances, the purpose of advisors can be relevant.
NSW foreign surcharges – international tax treaties update – more countries excluded from the regime
In our previous article, we discuss Revenue NSW’s announcement that it has determined that NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax are inconsistent with international tax treaties entered into by the Australian Federal Government and certain countries (Treaty Countries).
On 29 May 2023, Revenue NSW has updated its list of Treaty Countries to now include India, Japan, Norway and Switzerland.
The Deceased Estate: Who Pays The Tax
Division 7A: Managing Unpaid Present Entitlements
NSW Government determines that surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax is inconsistent with international tax treaties
On 21 February 2023 Revenue NSW announced that it has been determined that NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax (Surcharge Provisions) are inconsistent with international tax treaties entered into by the Australian Federal Government with New Zealand, Finland, Germany, and South Africa (Treaty Countries).
Vicinity Funds – Choice of forum for state taxes matters - Supreme Court vs VCAT
The High Court of Australia has dismissed the special leave application by the taxpayer, Vicinity Funds Re Ltd (Taxpayer) to appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria (Court of Appeal).
Bosanac: presumption of resulting trust v presumption of advancement: High Court tells both to sit down
The High Court in Bosanac v Commissioner of Taxation [2022] HCA 34 culminated a protracted debate on whether to apply the presumption of resulting trust or presumption of advancement in the context of a matrimonial home.