Bill Implementing New Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Replacing Stamp Duty From 1 July 2024 Passed Without Amendments - Future Changes Flagged

Bill Implementing New Commercial and Industrial Property Tax Replacing Stamp Duty From 1 July 2024 Passed Without Amendments - Future Changes Flagged

The new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax reform that progressively abolishes stamp duty on commercial and industrial property from 1 July 2024 is one of the most significant Victorian property tax reforms in the past 30 years.  Anyone looking to buy or sell commercial or industrial property will be impacted.

State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 – Welcome expansion of holiday home exemption for vacant residential land tax to properties in trusts

State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 – Welcome expansion of holiday home exemption for vacant residential land tax to properties in trusts

On 14 May 2024, the State Taxation Amendment Bill 2024 (Vic) (the Bill) was released after having its second reading speech in the Victorian Legislative Assembly.

Dwayne Taylor – Primary production land exemption ‘dominant purpose’ test win for taxpayer

Dwayne Taylor – Primary production land exemption ‘dominant purpose’ test win for taxpayer

The recent case of Dwayne Taylor FT Pty Limited as trustee for Dwayne Taylor Family Trust and DA and P Taylor v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2024] NSWCATAD 80 is a win for taxpayers, but does illustrates the issues that can arise when primary production land is used as part of business models that include other interrelated activities.

Government Response to December 2023 Franchising Independent Review

Government Response to December 2023 Franchising Independent Review

The Government has released its response to the Franchising Independent Review agreeing to the majority of the recommendations. This article identifies some key changes to be made, the timing for these and explores what this may mean for franchises.

Chloe Adolphi - Foreign Land Tax Surcharge Imposed Due To Ineffective Deed of Rectification

Chloe Adolphi - Foreign Land Tax Surcharge Imposed Due To Ineffective Deed of Rectification

The case of Chloe Adolphi has confirmed the importance of amending a discretionary trust deed prior to the purchase of a property so that foreign owner stamp duty or land tax surcharges are not incurred. 

Sladen snippet - S&H Investments - Company cannot contract out of super guarantee

Sladen snippet - S&H Investments - Company cannot contract out of super guarantee

In the decision of S&H Investments Pty Ltd and Commissioner of Taxation [2024] AATA 893, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), the Tribunal affirmed the decision of the Commissioner of Taxation to assess the taxpayer for the superannuation guarantee charge for failing to pay superannuation for their employee/contractor referred to as “TW”.

Victorian State Budget 2024-25 - Small Changes to State Taxes

Victorian State Budget 2024-25 - Small Changes to State Taxes

On 7 May 2024, the Victorian State Government presented the Victorian State Budget for 2024/25.

No substantial tax measures were announced.  There were only new State Tax measures in the Victorian State Budget 2024-25 which are listed within this article.

Sladen Snippet - ATO attempts to read down NALI defeat in BPFN decision

Sladen Snippet - ATO attempts to read down NALI defeat in BPFN decision

As noted previously, the recent Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) decision of BPFN and Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2023] AATA 2330 (28 July 2023) (BPFN) had struck a blow to the ATO’s strict approach to non-arm’s length income (NALI) and taken a more general commercial approach to NALI.

Super guarantee – Same, same but different

Super guarantee – Same, same but different

This paper has been built on a previous paper on the superannuation guarantee (SG) regime, titled Super Guarantee – no longer the toothless tiger. That paper was designed to take a holistic examination of the SG regime. In this paper, we have built on that approach and added a number of developments, including:

Mackie– Contributions count when cleared funds are received, not when you press send – no special circumstances

Mackie– Contributions count when cleared funds are received, not when you press send – no special circumstances

In the decision of Mackie v Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2024] AATA 619 (3 April 2024), the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) affirmed the decision of the Commissioner to decline to exercise the discretion in section 291-465(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (ITAA 97) to disregard or allocate to another year the taxpayer’s concessional superannuation contributions.

ACCC Enforcement and Compliance Priorities for 2024-25: What this means for franchises

ACCC Enforcement and Compliance Priorities for 2024-25: What this means for franchises

The ACCC has announced its enforcement and compliance priorities for 2024-2025. This article explores what this may mean for franchises.

Part 1: tax consolidation for SMEs series: pros and cons of forming a consolidated group?

Part 1: tax consolidation for SMEs series: pros and cons of forming a consolidated group?

This is the first article in a series that aims to demystify the application of the tax consolidation rules in Part 3-90 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for private groups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Bill introduced to implement new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax that progressively replaces Land transfer (stamp) duty from 1 July 2024

Bill introduced to implement new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax that progressively replaces Land transfer (stamp) duty from 1 July 2024

The Victorian State Government has introduced a highly anticipated bill to implement the new Commercial and Industrial Property Tax with only three months to go until the 1 July 2024 start date. Those looking to acquire commercial or industrial properties or plan restructures within existing corporate/family groups should consider the interaction of the new regime with existing taxes.

Sladen Snippet - Kirk - superannuation removed no longer protected from creditors

Sladen Snippet - Kirk - superannuation removed no longer protected from creditors

In the decision of Kirk as trustee of the Property of Smith (a Bankrupt) v Smith [2024] FCA 240 (15 March 2024) the Federal Court held, among other things, that a transfer of superannuation from the husband to his wife’s superannuation was no longer protected as an interest of the bankrupt in a regulated super fund under section 116(2)(d)(iii)(A) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Bankruptcy Act).

Sladen Snippet - Tratter - non-binding nomination considered but not followed

Sladen Snippet - Tratter - non-binding nomination considered but not followed

In the decision of Tratter v Aware Super [2024] FCAFC 36 the Full Federal Court dismissed the appeal by the deceased super fund member’s mother against the super fund trustee’s apportionment of 30% to the mother and 70% to the deceased’s de facto spouse.