Sladen Snippet - Kirk - superannuation removed no longer protected from creditors

Sladen Snippet - Kirk - superannuation removed no longer protected from creditors

In the decision of Kirk as trustee of the Property of Smith (a Bankrupt) v Smith [2024] FCA 240 (15 March 2024) the Federal Court held, among other things, that a transfer of superannuation from the husband to his wife’s superannuation was no longer protected as an interest of the bankrupt in a regulated super fund under section 116(2)(d)(iii)(A) of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Bankruptcy Act).

Sladen Snippet - Tratter - non-binding nomination considered but not followed

Sladen Snippet - Tratter - non-binding nomination considered but not followed

In the decision of Tratter v Aware Super [2024] FCAFC 36 the Full Federal Court dismissed the appeal by the deceased super fund member’s mother against the super fund trustee’s apportionment of 30% to the mother and 70% to the deceased’s de facto spouse.

Minerva – Part IVA - Full Federal Court gives the taxpayer back its “Liberty”

Minerva – Part IVA - Full Federal Court gives the taxpayer back its “Liberty”

In 2022, the decision of the Federal Court in Minerva Financial Group Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Taxation [2022] FCA 1092 raised the question that tax benefits emanating from trustee decisions could be subject Part IVA. At that time, we said we think ‘no’ (see here).  

ACCC Report on Unfair Contract Terms, Case Update and Franchising Review Report Summary Findings and Recommendation

ACCC Report on Unfair Contract Terms, Case Update and Franchising Review Report Summary Findings and Recommendation

This update replicates a legal update provided to the Franchise Council of Australia’s February breakfast at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.

Significant changes to Victorian land tax assessments to result in higher land tax bills

Significant changes to Victorian land tax assessments to result in higher land tax bills

Land tax assessments are now being issued in Victoria, with landowners finding their land tax bills to be substantially higher than expected, due to significant changes from 1 January 2024.  Hundreds of thousands of taxpayers will also be receiving land tax assessments for the first time altogether.

Victoria’s new commercial and industrial property tax – a tale of two regimes

Victoria’s new commercial and industrial property tax – a tale of two regimes

As we’ve noted previously, commercial and industrial properties sold or transferred on or from 1July 2024, will enter the new commercial and industrial property regime. Broadly, the regime will operate such that future transfers will not trigger land transfer (stamp) duty but rather the property will be subject to a (further) set of land tax, known as commercial and industrial property tax (CIPT).

Quy v FCT: less than 2 months in Australia … I still call Australia home

Quy v FCT: less than 2 months in Australia … I still call Australia home

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) has held in Quy v FCT [2024] AATA 245 that a taxpayer, who was physically in Australia for less than 2 months each year, was a resident of Australian tax purposes.

Stern – Transfer Balance Account calculated to include Defined Benefit Pension – in accordance with the operative provisions, not the guide

Stern – Transfer Balance Account calculated to include Defined Benefit Pension – in accordance with the operative provisions, not the guide

In the decision of Stern v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] FCAFC 21 the Full Federal Court found against the taxpayer, who raised an argument that Division 294 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 97) should not be interpreted such that both his pension was to be commuted under a commutation authority issued by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) due to his pensions exceeding his transfer balance cap, and that he also must pay excess transfer balance tax for exceeding his transfer balance cap.

TR 2024/D1: Navigating the draft ruling TR 2024/D1 on software distribution arrangements

TR 2024/D1: Navigating the draft ruling TR 2024/D1 on software distribution arrangements

On 17 January 2024, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) issued a revised draft taxation ruling, TR 2024/D1, which addresses the taxation implications of payments relating to software distribution arrangements.

Vacant Residential Land Tax Changes and Significant Actions Required by Landowners

Vacant Residential Land Tax Changes and Significant Actions Required by Landowners

Changes to the Victorian vacant residential land tax (VRLT) will take effect from 1 January 2025 and 1 January 2026.

As vacant residential land tax assessments for 2025 will be based on usage from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025- it is critical that landowners are across the changes now.

Holiday homes to be hit by Victoria’s vacant residential land tax unless usage documented

Holiday homes to be hit by Victoria’s vacant residential land tax unless usage documented

Expansion of the Vacant Residential Land Tax, from 1 January 2025, will start to capture holiday homes outside of inner/middle Melbourne. Therefore, holiday homeowners should consider their vacant residential land tax position.

Sladen Snippet - Cihan - Transfer of land to an SMSF reversed for unconscionable dealing

 Sladen Snippet - Cihan - Transfer of land to an SMSF reversed for unconscionable dealing

The NSW Supreme Court decision of Cihan Family Trust v Cihan Family Superannuation Fund [2023] NSWSC 1289 found that a transfer of land from a family trust to a SMSF should be reversed on the basis of unconscionable conduct of a son against his father.

Sladen Snippet – Corbisieri – BDBN invalid due to relationship breakdown

Sladen Snippet – Corbisieri – BDBN invalid due to relationship breakdown

The case of Corbisieri v NM Superannuation Proprietary Limited [2023] FCA 1319  involved an appeal by the mother of a deceased against the decision of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) to uphold a BDBN to benefit the de facto spouse of her late son, which was to be funded out of life insurance proceeds in AMP Superannuation.

Sladen Snippet – van Camp – deathbed BDBN found to be valid

Sladen Snippet – van Camp – deathbed BDBN found to be valid

In this Judgment of the NSW Supreme Court, a binding death benefit nomination (BDBN) signed on the date of death of the sole member of a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) was upheld. Challenges to the BDBN’s validity, by the SMSF trustee and two of the deceased’s executors, based on lack of capacity and unconscionability both failed.