The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) has released guidance for employers on how to comply with the new positive duty under section 47C of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (the Sex Discrimination Act).
Are Foreign Surcharge Stamp Duty and Land Taxes Illegal?
The Federal Government’s Mid-Year Economic and Financial Outlook 2023-24 (MYEFO) (released on 13 December 2023) has again raised the legality of the ability of the States to impose foreign purchaser land transfer (stamp) duty surcharge and foreign owner land tax (together, the foreign surcharges).
When is a public company not a public company?
Sladen Legal Welcomes New State Taxes Principal Lawyer Nicholas Clifton January 2024
January 2024 Sladen Legal Promotions
Section 99B: Is It Safe To Go Back In The Water?
Flexible Working Arrangements
Recent amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 expand employee rights to make flexible working arrangement requests. The changes also require employers to follow a detailed process upon receipt of such requests. The amendments also permit employees to escalate their requests and seek orders from the Fair Work Commission (FWC).
Documentary protocols and disclaimers
Who’s Running The Show: Keeping Control Of An SMSF
Super Guarantee – Same, Same But Different
This paper has been built on a previous paper on the superannuation guarantee (SG) regime, titled Super Guarantee – no longer the toothless tiger. That paper was designed to take a holistic examination of the SG regime. In this paper, we have built on that approach and added a number of developments, including:
A Burger with the Lot – ‘Big Jack’ is not deceptively similar to ‘Big Mac’
An easier and clearer Personal Property Securities Act? The Government outlines proposed changes
On 22 September 2023 the Commonwealth government released the Personal Property Securities Amendment Bill 2023 and amending regulations for public consultation until 17 November 2023. The aim is intended to simplify the use of the law, in particular the registration process, and clarify its application, especially around enforcement priorities.
Diplomatic Immunity not available to former Indian High Commissioner to Australia for breaches of the Fair Work Act
In an interesting decision traversing both industrial relations and public international law, the Federal Court has found that the former Indian High Commissioner to Australia committed significant breaches of the Fair Work Act between September 2015 and May 2016.
Disputed Debts with the ATO – teamwork makes the dream work?
Sladen Legal’s Tax Practice Recognised In Doyles Guide Victoria 2023
Bowerman: an unusual case that may have unusual implications
AWE v Clough: The continuing clarification of what constitutes a personal property security interest and the requirements for rectification of out of time registrations
Baullo – Forgiveness of beneficiary loans trigger land transfer (stamp) duty for a distribution of a property from a trust
It has been a long held view of the State Revenue Office (SRO) that if beneficiary loans are forgiven in connection with a distribution of real estate from a discretionary trust to a beneficiary, then the duty exemption in section 36A of the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) will not apply and the transfer will trigger land transfer (stamp) duty.
Trust Law Principles And Challenging BDBNs
Another day another Victorian tax, prohibition against adjusting land tax and other (nasty) changes
Without consultation, the Victorian Government has introduced the State Taxation Acts and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2023 (Bill) which will make a number of significant changes.