Razzy Part 1 – Are exempt transfers aggregated for landholder duty?

Razzy Part 1 – Are exempt transfers aggregated for landholder duty?

The recent Supreme Court of Victoria decision of Razzy Australia Pty Ltd & Anor v Commissioner of State Revenue [2021] VSC 124 is a seminal decision as it provides much sought clarification on the application of various aspects of Chapter 3 of the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Act)

Sladen Snippet – Addy – Backpacker Tax case goes to High Court

Sladen Snippet – Addy – Backpacker Tax case goes to High Court

We have previously discussed the Full Federal Court decision in Addy v FCT [2020] FCAFC 135 here. In this case, the court held that Ms Addy, a working holiday maker, was not entitled to benefit from the tax-free threshold as she was not an Australian tax resident. The so-called ‘backpacker tax’.

AAT confirms non-compliance of accountant’s SMSF but reverses trustee disqualification

AAT confirms non-compliance of accountant’s SMSF but reverses trustee disqualification

Cases on the making of self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) non-compliant are relatively rare. Issuing a notice of non-compliance is one of the most severe penalties available in an SMSF context, given the taxation implications

Sladen snippet - super contribution caps and transfer balance cap to increase from 1 July 2021

Sladen snippet -  super contribution caps and transfer balance cap to increase from 1 July 2021

Some of the key superannuation rates and thresholds, including the contribution caps and transfer balance cap, will increase from 1 July 2021.

Sladen snippet - ATO extends transitional compliance approach to NALE for another financial year

Sladen snippet - ATO extends transitional compliance approach to NALE for another financial year

As previously discussed here, the definition of non-arm’s length income (NALI) under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 was amended in mid-2018 to include non-arm’s length expenses or NALE. NALE includes not just an expenditure, but also a loss or outgoing that is lower than an arm’s length amount, and also includes where there is a nil amount (ie, no expenditure).

Sladen Snippet - COVID relief measures: ATO confirms how LRBA relief interacts with Division 7A

Sladen Snippet - COVID relief measures: ATO confirms how LRBA relief interacts with Division 7A

As discussed here, as part of the ATO COVID-19 administrative concessions, the ATO announced that temporary repayment relief could be offered for limited recourse borrowing arrangements (LRBA) loans. The repayment relief must reflect similar terms to what commercial banks offered for real estate investments loans as a result of COVID-19.

Sladen Snippet - Rural land leased to tenant found not to be used for primary production and subject to land tax

Sladen Snippet - Rural land leased to tenant found not to be used for primary production and subject to land tax

In the recent decision of Chandrala v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2021] NSWCATAD 50, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has determined that rural land, that was leased to a tenant, was not exempt from land tax under the primary production exemption.

Sladen Snippet - Khan: self-education expenses not deductible

Sladen Snippet - Khan: self-education expenses not deductible

Individuals cannot currently claim a tax deduction under s 8-1 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for education and training expenses unless the expense leads to, or is likely to lead to, an increase in the individual’s income from current income-earning activities.

Sladen Snippet - NSW Supreme Court holds manager of protected estate cannot make BDBN on behalf of protected person

Sladen Snippet - NSW Supreme Court holds manager of protected estate cannot make BDBN on behalf of protected person

As discussed here and here, the decisions in Re Narumon [2019] 2 Qd R 247 and Re SB; Ex Parte AC [2020] QSC 139 made it clear (at least in Queensland) that:

Payroll Tax Update: Commissioner’s Appeal to the High Court Denied, A Win for Taxpayers

Payroll Tax Update: Commissioner’s Appeal to the High Court Denied, A Win for Taxpayers

The NSW Chief Commissioner of State Revenue’s (Commissioner) application to the High Court for special leave to appeal the NSW Court of Appeal’s decision in Chief Commissioner of State Revenue v Downer EDI Engineering Pty Ltd [2020] NSWCA 126 has been denied, the High Court finding the appeal “would have insufficient prospects of success”.

ZBFF v FCT: can an agreement to remit sale proceeds reduce a capital gain?

ZBFF v FCT: can an agreement to remit sale proceeds reduce a capital gain?

A taxpayer includes a net capital gain in assessable income. That is well known. But can an agreement to remit an amount from sale proceeds reduce the amount of a net capital gain?

Allocation of professional firm profits – the ATO moves the goalposts!

Allocation of professional firm profits – the ATO moves the goalposts!

On 1 March 2021, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released Draft Practical Compliance Guideline PCG 2021/D2 Allocation of professional firm profits – ATO compliance approach (Draft PCG) that sets out the ATO’s proposed compliance approach to the allocation of profits by professional firms.

Sladen Snippet – Small business CGT Concessions: Is your business primarily deriving rent?

Sladen Snippet – Small business CGT Concessions: Is your business primarily deriving rent?

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued Taxation Determination TD 2021/2 that contains the ATO view that companies which carry on a business will be unable to benefit from the small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions if the relevant asset is mainly used to derive rent (TD 2021/2 was issued as Draft TD 2019/D4 that we discussed here).

ATO’s Next 5,000 Audit Program – Our Top 5 Tips for how you can be ready

ATO’s Next 5,000 Audit Program – Our Top 5 Tips for how you can be ready

The ATO has commenced issuing notices for its compliance program focusing on the “Next 5000” private groups in Australia. This article provides our top tips for preparing for an audit and how we can assist you in doing this.

Bitcoin's back - but the ATO never left

Bitcoin's back - but the ATO never left

With news and social media feeds being filled with tales of cryptocurrency (in particular bitcoin) prices fluctuating many taxpayers are making, or considering making, investments. However before jumping in taxpayers should understand that the anonymity that was originally touted as the shining crown of cryptocurrencies is not the invisibility cloak many may think it to be. What does the ATO really know about your cryptocurrency holdings and what do you need to disclose?

Sladen Legal announce their exclusive legal resource subscription - Sladen Smart.

Sladen Legal announce their exclusive legal resource subscription - Sladen Smart.

Sladen Legal have launched Sladen Smart, an online membership providing access to premium legal resources. This exciting new offering will give professionals on demand access to interactive content and publications not publicly available and also includes impressive discounts on their online service offerings.