Sladen Snippet - Coelho v FCT – foreign nationals in Australia for more than 183 days not Australian tax residents
An individual in Australia for more than 183 days for an income year, whether continuously or intermittently, is an Australian tax resident unless the Commissioner of Taxation is satisfied the individual’s usual place of abode is outside Australia and the individual does not intend to take up residence in Australia.
Sladen Snippet - Chadbourne – Administrative Appeals Tribunal disallows tax deductions for interest on loans
In Chadbourne v FC of T [2020] AATA 2441 (Chadbourne) the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) held that a beneficiary (Taxpayer) of a discretionary trust (Trust) was unable to deduct interest on borrowed funds where the funds borrowed in the Taxpayer’s name were used by the Trust to buy real property and shares.
Duty payable on discharge of vendor’s debt by purchaser of land
In the recent decision of Gulliman Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2020] VCAT 804, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal) held that the discharge of debt owed by vendor to purchaser in respect of previous transaction amounts to non-monetary consideration and, therefore, was subject to land transfer (stamp) duty.
Primary production land exemption denied due to insufficient evidence
Sladen snippet - dentist found to be “employee” for the purposes of superannuation guarantee
In the recent decision of Dental Corporation Pty Ltd v Moffet [2020] FCAFC 118 (16 June 2020) , the Full Federal Court found that a dentist fell within the extended definition of ‘employee’ under s12(3) of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SG Act). Section 12(3) broadly provides that an employee is a person who is working ‘under a contract that is wholly or principally for the labour of the person.’
Court determines payments to a contractor not subject to payroll tax as services found to be ancillary to the supply or use of the goods
Judge sets aside contributions to SMSF as part of family law proceedings
In the recent decision of R -v- T [2020] WASCA 109, the Western Australia (WA) Court of Appeal has upheld interim property orders of the WA Family Court to set aside contributions made by a de facto husband to an SMSF.
Sladen Snippet – Taxpayer Appeals Federal Court Decision in Eichmann
In our earlier article, we noted the Federal Court in FCT v Eichmann [2019] FCA 2155 (Eichman) in late 2019 had found in favour of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) (appealing a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal) and held land used for storage was not an active asset for the purposes of the small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions in Division 152 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997).
Managing Tax and Revenue Office Audits During COVID-19
Sladen Snippet - VCAT rules land being prepared for primary production and denies exemption from land tax
Sladen Snippet –Trust deeds of discretionary trusts holding NSW residential land must now be amended before 31 December 2020 to avoid foreign surcharges
As referred to in our previous articles, the State Revenue Legislation Further Amendment Bill 2020 (NSW) has now received royal assent on 24 June 2020.
Tackling trust losses
Transfer to a trustee found to be non-dutiable
The Victorian Court of Appeal’s decision in MD Commercial Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2019] VSCA 295 was a culmination of the battle between the Victorian Commissioner of State Revenue and the taxpayers’ statutory interpretation of a duty exemption contained in s 35 of the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Act) and whether the trustee had to be in a “bare trustee” relationship with no active powers being held by the trustee.
Sladen Snippet: Division 7A and COVID-19: ATO announces streamlined process to kick the can down the road
Sladen Snippet - ATO rules that super benefit called before, but paid after, death is a member benefit
The case of the pirated blueberries
Interpreting and Varying Trust Deeds
Sladen snippet - Certain JobKeeper payments don’t trigger superannuation guarantee – regulations made
As part of the broader framework of the JobKeeper scheme (discussed here) established by the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Rules 2020, the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment (Jobkeeper Payment) Regulations 2020 (Amending Regulations) have now been made.
Are you conducting a business in partnership? Make sure you can substantiate your commercial arrangement.
The recent Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) decision of Holman v FCT highlights once again the importance of documentation and maintaining objective factual evidence to discharge the statutory burden of proof when disputing an assessment.