Sladen snippet - music teacher found to be employee for super guarantee purposes

Sladen snippet - music teacher found to be employee for super guarantee purposes

In the recent decision of Olias Pty Ltd as trustee for the Storer Family Trust and Commissioner of Taxation, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) found that a “contract” music teacher fell within the ordinary definition of ‘employee’, and was therefore an employee for the purposes of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SG Act).

Sladen snippet – High Court refuses leave to appeal finding that dentist is covered by super guarantee

Sladen snippet – High Court refuses leave to appeal finding that dentist is covered by super guarantee

As discussed here, the decision in Dental Corporation Pty Ltd v Moffet [2020] FCAFC 118 (16 June 2020) (Moffet) marked an important shift in how the courts have interpreted the employee/contractor distinction for the purposes of superannuation guarantee obligations.

Sladen Snippet - ATO to resume super guarantee compliance action

Sladen Snippet - ATO to resume super guarantee compliance action

In a recent industry forum, the ATO confirmed they will be resuming superannuation guarantee (SG) compliance action following a pause due to COVID-19. The ATO indicated they have a considerable backlog of SG compliance cases as a result of COVID-19, which they are now working through.

Redundancy Payments - The AAT Rejects the Commissioner's Position on Discretionary Sums Paid to Terminated Employee

Redundancy Payments - The AAT Rejects the Commissioner's Position on Discretionary Sums Paid to Terminated Employee

The AAT has rejected the Federal Commissioner of Taxation’s (Commissioner) view that a discretionary payment received by an employee upon his termination should be taxed as ordinary income. Despite the payment being made upon the termination of the employee the Commissioner argued that it was received in respect of their employment as it was calculated in relation to fees earnt.

Sladen Snippet – payments to contractor not subject to superannuation guarantee

Sladen Snippet – payments to contractor not subject to superannuation guarantee

In the recent decision of MWWD v FC of T 2020 ATC (16 October 2020), the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) found that payments to a contractor repair technician did not trigger a superannuation contribution/charge obligation under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SG Act).

JobKeeper 2.0 is go!

JobKeeper 2.0 is go!

After 6 months of, and multiple revisions to the administration to, JobKeeper, the extension to the scheme – labelled JobKeeper 2.0, begins today. JobKeeper 2.0 runs until 28 March 2021. In this article we summarise the main elements and qualification requirements of JobKeeper 2.0.

The end of the superannuation guarantee amnesty – so what now for employers?

The end of the superannuation guarantee amnesty – so what now for employers?

As discussed here and here, the superannuation guarantee (SG) amnesty allowed employers to disclose and pay previously unpaid SG charge, including nominal interest, for the quarters between 1 July 1992 to 31 March 2018 without incurring the administration component ($20 per employee per quarter) or Part 7 penalties. In addition, payments of SG charge made to the ATO under the amnesty were tax deductible.

Sladen Snippet - Sweet victory for Mondelez after High Court rules on the meaning of ‘day’ for personal / carer’s leave

Sladen Snippet - Sweet victory for Mondelez after High Court rules on the meaning of ‘day’ for personal / carer’s leave

In a significant victory for Australian employers, the High Court has ruled in favour of Cadbury manufacturer Mondelez Australia Pty Ltd clarifying the meaning of the word “day” in the context of personal/carer’s leave entitlements under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act).

Sladen Snippet - ATO releases PSLA in relation to when it will remit super guarantee penalties once the amnesty period ends

Sladen Snippet - ATO releases PSLA in relation to when it will remit super guarantee penalties once the amnesty period ends

In anticipation of the conclusion of the superannuation guarantee (SG) amnesty (discussed here) on 7 September 2020, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released a draft Law Administration Practice Statement PS LA 2020/D1 (PSLA 2020/D1) in relation to how, post amnesty, the ATO officers may exercise their discretion to remit Part 7 penalties.

Sladen snippet - dentist found to be “employee” for the purposes of superannuation guarantee

Sladen snippet - dentist found to be “employee” for the purposes of superannuation guarantee

In the recent decision of Dental Corporation Pty Ltd v Moffet [2020] FCAFC 118 (16 June 2020) , the Full Federal Court found that a dentist fell within the extended definition of ‘employee’ under s12(3) of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SG Act). Section 12(3) broadly provides that an employee is a person who is working ‘under a contract that is wholly or principally for the labour of the person.’

Employers can use JobKeeper to Offset Annual Leave Liabilities

Employers can use JobKeeper to Offset Annual Leave Liabilities

JobKeeper is not just a financial subsidy for qualifying employers. We previously wrote about the extraordinary powers that employers help get them to the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic (or at least until September when the JobKeeper scheme is scheduled to end).

Can you make your employees download the COVIDSafe App?

Can you make your employees download the COVIDSafe App?

Many businesses around the country are eagerly anticipating being able to trade again. For some employers, this has included encouraging employees and customers to download the Federal Government’s COVIDSafe App. Questions have risen around whether employers can require their employees to download the COVIDSafe App before returning to work.

COVID-19 disruptions on your workforce and how it can shift your payroll tax liabilities to another jurisdiction

COVID-19 disruptions on your workforce and how it can shift your payroll tax liabilities to another jurisdiction

The COVID-19 crisis has introduced unprecedented disruptions to the workforce, pushing employees and employers to work in remote capacities and in expedited ways across many industries.

This will mean that employers will soon have to turn their minds to considerations never contemplated before, such as their base line payroll tax assumptions and whether or not changes in the ways we will be working in the coming months, will shift payroll tax liabilities to a different jurisdiction. We explore these questions further in this article.

COVID-19: JobKeeper – further details on Alternative Decline in turnover test

COVID-19: JobKeeper – further details on Alternative Decline in turnover test

As part of the continued economic response to COVID-19, the Deputy Commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has recently made a determination pursuant to subsection 20(4) of the Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Act 2020, outlining further tests under which an entity may satisfy the decline in turnover required in order to receive JobKeeper payments. This article discusses the various new “alternative” tests that an entity may utilise under the determination.

COVID-19: “JobKeeper is Go” - legislation passed

COVID-19: “JobKeeper is Go” - legislation passed

On 9 April 2020, the JobKeeper legislation received Royal Assent and the Treasurer issued the Rules that govern eligibility for JobKeeper until the schemes planned end on 27 September 2020. This article sets out the operation of the JobKeeper scheme.

Employment Law Benefits of JobKeeper

Employment Law Benefits of JobKeeper

Federal Parliament has recently legislated its $130 billion JobKeeper scheme. This will result in approximately 6 million workers receiving a fortnightly payment of $1,500 through their employer. These employees must have been employed at 1 March 2020 and remain employed during this time.

COVID-19 – State and Territory Payroll Tax Stimulus Measures

COVID-19 – State and Territory Payroll Tax Stimulus Measures

State and territory revenue offices continue to make announcements in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Relevant to many businesses will be the numerous payroll tax changes. The changes include waivers and deferrals for eligible businesses as well as the bringing forward of cuts to tax-free thresholds in some jurisdictions.

COVID-19: further detail on JobKeeper payments

COVID-19: further detail on JobKeeper payments

Further to my article on the COVID-19 JobKeeper measure, and pending the release of legislation, on 5 April 2020 Treasury further updated and expanded its JobKeeper fact sheets and included a ‘frequently asked questions’ (FAQ) document.