Sladen Snippet - ATO to resume super guarantee compliance action

In a recent industry forum, the ATO confirmed they will be resuming superannuation guarantee (SG) compliance action following a pause due to COVID-19. The ATO indicated they have a considerable backlog of SG compliance cases as a result of COVID-19, which they are now working through.

While the ATO SG compliance approach does include an education program, it can also include severe penalties for late payment and late lodgment of SG charge statements, particularly in the post-SG amnesty era (discussed here and here).

Following the end of the SG amnesty, the ATO’s ability to remit SG penalties is now restricted to limited circumstances, including where an employer voluntarily declares late or under payment of SG to the ATO prior to the ATO commencing an investigation. Accordingly, employers who are aware of an SG shortfall should act promptly, as remission is more likely to occur in the context of a voluntary disclosure.

To discuss or for further information please contact:

Phil Broderick
M +61 419 512 801 | T +61 3 9611 0163           

Philippa Briglia
Senior Associate
T +61 3 9611 0173