
Sladen snippet – High Court refuses leave to appeal finding that dentist is covered by super guarantee

Sladen snippet – High Court refuses leave to appeal finding that dentist is covered by super guarantee

As discussed here, the decision in Dental Corporation Pty Ltd v Moffet [2020] FCAFC 118 (16 June 2020) (Moffet) marked an important shift in how the courts have interpreted the employee/contractor distinction for the purposes of superannuation guarantee obligations.

Sladen Snippet - ATO to resume super guarantee compliance action

Sladen Snippet - ATO to resume super guarantee compliance action

In a recent industry forum, the ATO confirmed they will be resuming superannuation guarantee (SG) compliance action following a pause due to COVID-19. The ATO indicated they have a considerable backlog of SG compliance cases as a result of COVID-19, which they are now working through.