Sladen Snippet - super funds can now qualify for the primary production land tax exemption (s 67 Land Tax Act)

Sladen Snippet -  super funds can now qualify for the primary production land tax exemption (s 67 Land Tax Act)

In in an unheralded move, the Victorian government has extended the land tax exemption for primary production land in an urban zone (contained in section 67 of the Land Tax Act 2005) to include land owned by a trustee of a super fund of which all the members or beneficiaries are relatives and at least one of those members or beneficiaries is normally engaged in a substantially full-time capacity in the business of primary production of the type carried on on the land.

Profit from the development and sale of a commercial property on capital account despite development activities undertaken by private family group

Profit from the development and sale of a commercial property on capital account despite development activities undertaken by private family group

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) recently held in FLZY and Commissioner of Taxation that profit arising from the sale of a building by a family trust gave rise to a capital gain despite the property building, development and investment activities undertaken by the privately held family group (Group). 

Sladen Snippet - Overarching obligations and the Court’s discretion to award costs

Sladen Snippet - Overarching obligations and the Court’s discretion to award costs

The Civil Procedure Act 2010 (Act) provides the Court with a relatively broad power to make orders in respect of a person that has breached any overarching obligation in the Act. In particular, section 29 of the Act gives the Court the discretion to sanction parties and/or lawyers by making costs orders against them. Yara Australia Pty Ltd v Oswal  (Yara) is one of the most publicised cases to examine the scope of the Court’s discretion under section 29 of the Act. 

Sladen Snippet – Date to fix up non-commercial LRBA loans extended to 31 January 2017

Sladen Snippet – Date to fix up non-commercial LRBA loans extended to 31 January 2017

In an update on our previous Sladen Snippets (see here and here), the ATO has announced that the date for rectifying non-commercial related party limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans made to SMSF trustees has been extended from 30 June 2016 to 31 January 2017. 

Sladen Snippet - Court interprets ‘economic entitlement’ stamp duty provisions in favour of developer

Sladen Snippet - Court interprets ‘economic entitlement’ stamp duty provisions in favour of developer

The Supreme Court of Victoria has recently handed down the first decision interpreting the ‘economic entitlement’ provisions in the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (Duties Act). These provisions were introduced in 2012 as part of the shift from a “land rich” to a “landholder” model for assessing duty in Victoria on the acquisition of interests in certain land owning entities.

Sladen Snippet - Lawyer's immunity from suit

Sladen Snippet - Lawyer's immunity from suit

Australia has for a long time been one of the only common law countries to enshrine a lawyer’s immunity from suit. The common law principle provides lawyers with an immunity from any claim made against them for negligence arising out of their conduct of a Court case and/or work undertaken outside of Court that results in a decision affecting the conduct of the case in Court. 

The ATO’s administrative treatment of acquisitions and disposals of interests in ‘no goodwill’ professional practices

The ATO’s administrative treatment of acquisitions and disposals of interests in ‘no goodwill’ professional practices

The ATO has recently released guidelines on its administrative treatment for the application of certain tax issues when interests in ‘no goodwill’ professional partnerships, trusts and incorporated practices (practices) are acquired or disposed. 

Sladen Snippet – super changes in the 2016 Budget

Sladen Snippet – super changes in the 2016 Budget

It’s hard to know what to do with a budget handed down by a Government that will not have enough time to pass any measures before it goes into an election. Do you follow the current laws or the laws as they are proposed to be changed in the future (if the Government is re-elected and if it can pass the measures in the newly constituted parliament)? That is the situation we currently find ourselves in with the proposed super changes and in particular the lifetime non-concessional contributions cap.


Sladen Snippet – public trading trust rules here to stay? - changes lapse in Parliament.

Sladen Snippet – public trading trust rules here to stay? - changes lapse in Parliament.

We have previously noted in our Snippets in September and December 2015 that, under the legislation to introduce the new managed investment trust rules, it was proposed that self managed superannuation fund(s) (SMSFs) (and other exempt entities that are entitled to a refund of excess imputation credits) be excluded from the 20% tracing rule for the public trading trust rules. This would have resulted, from 1 July 2016, in the public trading trust rules not applying to unit trusts merely because a SMSF held more than 20% of the units in the trust.

Win/Lose - Tribunal axed but ABCC bill defeated

Win/Lose - Tribunal axed but ABCC bill defeated

The Federal Government has succeeded in abolishing the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) after the Senate voted last night to approve the legislation that repeals the Road Safety Remuneration Act 2012. The legislation passed the Senate without the support of Labor or the Greens – with all but one cross-bencher siding with the Federal Government.

Update on Contractor Driver Minimum Rates Order – Stay Overturned

Update on Contractor Driver Minimum Rates Order – Stay Overturned

Further to our Snippet on Monday, the Federal Court has now lifted the stay on the Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Road Safety Remuneration Order 2016 (Order).

The Full Federal Court dismissed NatRoad’s application for a stay pending the hearing of its substantive application as to whether the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal made legal errors in rejecting industry calls to defer the commencement date of the Order. The substantive application is set down to be heard on 9 and 10 May 2016.

Sladen Snippet - Strategies for Estate Planning and Asset Protection Following New High Court Decision

Sladen Snippet - Strategies for Estate Planning and Asset Protection Following New High Court Decision

n Fischer & Ors v Nemeske Pty Ltd & Ors ([2016] HCA 11; [2014] NSWSC 203), the High Court yesterday upheld the decisions of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and Court of Appeal.

The High Court’s decision confirmed that the resolution of a trustee of a discretionary trust to distribute an amount equal to the value of shares owned by the trustee to a beneficiary (Nemes) created a debt payable upon demand enforceable against the trustee by Nemes’ executor upon Nemes’ death.

Sladen Snippet - ATO gives further guidance on how related party LRBA loans can be rectified by 30 June 2016

Sladen Snippet - ATO gives further guidance on how related party LRBA loans can be rectified by 30 June 2016

Practical Compliance Guidelines PCG 2016/5 Income tax - arm's length terms for Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements established by self managed superannuation funds (Guideline) sets out further guidance as to how existing non-commercial limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans from related parties to self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) can be put on commercial terms by 30 June 2016. If such loans are on commercial terms by that date and with effect for the 2015/16 year then the ATO will accept that such loans are on commercial terms and that they will not trigger the application of the non-arm’s length income (NALI) rules. The ATO has said that it will not select an SMSF for a review purely on the basis that it had a loan on a non-commercial basis for previous years.

Sladen Snippet – ATO releases safe harbour for related party LRBA loans

Sladen Snippet – ATO releases safe harbour for related party LRBA loans

The ATO has released Practical Compliance Guidelines PCG 2016/5 Income tax - arm's length terms for Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements established by self managed superannuation funds (Guideline) which sets out 2 safe harbours for limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans from related parties to self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs). If such loans comply with the terms of the safe harbours then the ATO will accept that such loans are on commercial terms and that they will not trigger the application of the non-arm’s length income (NALI) rules.

Sladen Snippet – Primary Production Land Tax exemption for property developers

Sladen Snippet – Primary Production Land Tax exemption for property developers

In a recent decision the New South Wales Supreme Court held that although the subject land had been purchased for future residential development, during the years relevant to the disputed Land Tax assessments, the dominant use of the land related to cattle-grazing operations under an agistment agreement. The taxpayer property developer was therefore eligible to apply the exemption applicable to land used in primary production in s 10AA(2) of the Land Tax Management Act 1956 (NSW).