Transport Industry

Win/Lose - Tribunal axed but ABCC bill defeated

Win/Lose - Tribunal axed but ABCC bill defeated

The Federal Government has succeeded in abolishing the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) after the Senate voted last night to approve the legislation that repeals the Road Safety Remuneration Act 2012. The legislation passed the Senate without the support of Labor or the Greens – with all but one cross-bencher siding with the Federal Government.

Sladen Snippet - Head Contractors must have a “Fitness for Work” Policy by 16 October 2015

Sladen Snippet - Head Contractors must have a “Fitness for Work” Policy by 16 October 2015

The Workplace Relations Management Plan (WRMP) requirements under the Building Code 2013 (Code) have been amended to include a requirement that principal contractors have a fitness for work policy to manage alcohol and other drugs in the workplace.

Amongst other things, the policy must include:

  • detection methods;
  • substances tested;
  • a requirement for frequent and periodic random testing of the workforce; and
  • an outline of how workers affected by drugs and alcohol will be counselled, assisted and disciplined.