Complex estate planning in a complex world.

Complex estate planning in a complex world.

On 6 September, 2016 Sladen Legal delivered an event titled Complex estate planning in a complex world.

In it the following issues were examined:

Sladen Snippet – Court confirms judicial advice not always needed for SMSFs

Sladen Snippet – Court confirms judicial advice not always needed for SMSFs

The Supreme Court of New South Wales, in the decision of Bideena Pty Ltd as trustee for the Bideena Pty Ltd Superannuation Fund, has confirmed that the trustee of a SMSF does not always require judicial advice as to whether the trustee will have a right to indemnify itself out of the SMSF assets for legal costs in pursuing litigation.

Sladen Snippet – SMSFs cannot qualify as a QROPS if they have members aged less than 55

Sladen Snippet – SMSFs cannot qualify as a QROPS if they have members aged less than 55

Recent correspondence from the United Kingdom’s revenue authority (HMRC) has confirmed that the HMRC will not register a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) as a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) unless the SMSF trust deed limits the membership to persons who are aged 55+.

Sladen Snippet – when does a de facto relationship end for superannuation death benefit purposes?

Sladen Snippet – when does a de facto relationship end for superannuation death benefit purposes?

The recent Federal Court decision of Ievers v Superannuation Complaints Tribunal considered the question of whether a de facto relationship had ended for the purpose of determining who should receive a super death benefit.

Control it or lose it: authorised use under trade mark licence agreements

Control it or lose it: authorised use under trade mark licence agreements

In the latest instalment of a long running international battle between the Wild Geese and Wild Turkey alcohol brands, the Full Federal Court has found that trade mark owners can lose their registrations if they do not exercise proper control over their licensees.

Modest and infrequent maintenance activities of a property whose “main use” is to derive rent will not entitle a taxpayer to access the small business CGT concessions.

Modest and infrequent maintenance activities of a property whose “main use” is to derive rent will not entitle a taxpayer to access the small business CGT concessions.

In its recent decision in The Executors of the Estate of the late Peter Fowler and Commissioner of Taxation, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) held that Mr Fowler was not entitled to apply the small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions in Division 152 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, on the sale of a block of 10 residential units (Manly Property) as he was not carrying on a business and the Manly Property did not qualify as an “active asset”.

Sladen Snippet – Foreign person duty surcharge to increase to 7% from 1 July 2016 and related changes

Sladen Snippet – Foreign person duty surcharge to increase to 7% from 1 July 2016 and related changes

The Victorian Government has passed legislation to increase the duty surcharge on purchasers of residential property by foreign persons to 7% for contracts entered into from 1 July 2016. The changes contain a number of other changes to the foreign purchaser duty regime.