Sladen Snippet – new superannuation measures effective 1 July 2022

Sladen Snippet – new superannuation measures effective 1 July 2022

A quick reminder of the new superannuation measures which are effective as of 1 July 2022:

Sladen Snippet – SMSF BDBNs not bound by SIS Regs – Hill v Zuda

Sladen Snippet – SMSF BDBNs not bound by SIS Regs – Hill v Zuda

In the much anticipated decision of Hill v Zuda Pty Ltd, the High Court has determined that regulation 6.17A of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SIS Regs) does not apply to binding death benefit nominations (BDBNs) prepared for self managed superannuation funds (SMSFs).

Sladen Snippet – ATO confirms NALE practical administration approach is extended to 30 June 2023

Sladen Snippet – ATO confirms NALE practical administration approach is extended to 30 June 2023

The ATO has confirmed that its current administrative approach to the non-arm’s length expenditure (NALE), as set out in Practical Compliance Guide PCG 2020/5, will be extended to 30 June 2023.

The NALI/NALE Whirlwind – Where Are We At?

The NALI/NALE Whirlwind – Where Are We At?

Non-arm’s length income (NALI) has been a hot topic of discussion and debate in the SMSF industry in recent years, in particular since the ATO first released their draft ruling on non-arm’s length expenditure (NALE) in 2018 (and its subsequent iterations).

SMSFS And Property Development: Key Compliance Imperatives

SMSFS And Property Development: Key Compliance Imperatives

SMSFs (self managed superannuation funds) have been carrying on property development activities ever since SMSFs came into existence. Yet despite that there is still a common concern that such activities will cause the SMSF to become non-compliant, or subject to penalties, on the basis that such activities, and in particular undertaking a property development business, are prohibited.

Sladen Snippet - Key changes to super guarantee rates and thresholds from 1 July 2022

Sladen Snippet - Key changes to super guarantee rates and thresholds from 1 July 2022

As discussed here, one of the key superannuation announcements in the May 2021 budget was the removal of the minimum $450 threshold for super guarantee purposes.

Sladen Snippet - you haven’t made super contributions on time – now what?

Sladen Snippet - you haven’t made super contributions on time – now what?

ake super guarantee contributions on time is not a breach of the super laws, but it will trigger tax for the employer, and potentially penalties.

Super contributions payable to contractor plumber - a call for action for businesses

Super contributions payable to contractor plumber -  a call for action for businesses

In the recent Australian Administrative Tribunal (AAT) decision of Trustee for Virdis Family Trust t/a Rickard Heating Pty Ltd v FC of T [2022] AATA 3, the AAT relied on the decision in Dental Corporation Pty Ltd v Moffet [2020] FCAFC 118 (Moffet) to find that a plumber who was engaged as a contractor was an employee for the purposes of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (SG Act).

Tribunal upholds penalties for an SMSF’s breach of the borrowing restrictions

Tribunal upholds penalties for an SMSF’s breach of the borrowing restrictions

In the recent decision of FYYB v FC of T 2021 ATC 10-592; [2021] AATA 3567, 5 October 2021, the Australian Administrative Tribunal (AAT) affirmed the Commissioner of Taxation’s (Commissioner) decision to disallow an objection by the taxpayer to an administrative penalty of $7,500 imposed on a self managed superannuation fund (Fund) under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act).

Sladen Snippet - Legislation released for welcome superannuation changes

Sladen Snippet - Legislation released for welcome superannuation changes

As previously discussed here, the May 2021 budget announcements included a number of changes aimed at increasing flexibility in the superannuation system. Some of these key changes have now been introduced to Parliament as part of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Superannuation Outcomes For Australians and Helping Australian Businesses Invest) Bill 2021 (Bill).

Sladen Snippet - Retirement income covenant will not apply to SMSFs

Sladen Snippet - Retirement income covenant will not apply to SMSFs

On 27 September 2021 the government released exposure draft legislation to introduce a retirement income covenant (Draft Bill).

Penalty relief for employer super guarantee mistakes in the stapled default super fund regime

Penalty relief for employer super guarantee mistakes in the stapled default super fund regime

As part of the broader ‘Your Future, Your Super’ reforms, the concept of default ‘stapled super funds’ for employees will take effect from 1 November 2021. Where employees start work on or after 1 November 2021, and do not choose a super fund, most employers will have to check with the ATO if their employee has an account with an existing super fund, known as a ‘stapled super fund’, to pay the employee’s super guarantee into.

Managing rental properties found to be a business (and business real property?)

Managing rental properties found to be a business (and business real property?)

In the recent decision of Allen and Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2021] AATA 2768 (6 August 2021), the Australian Administrative Tribunal (the Tribunal) overturned a private ruling of the Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) and found that an individual taxpayer was personally carrying on a business of managing rental properties.

The ATO’S Current Views on Conducting Property Development through an SMSF (Copy)

The ATO’S Current Views on Conducting Property Development through an SMSF (Copy)

SMSFs (self managed superannuation funds) have been carrying on property development activities ever since SMSFs came into existence. Yet despite that there is still a common concern that such activities will cause the SMSF to become non-compliant, or subject to penalties, on the basis that such activities, and in particular undertaking a property development business, are prohibited.

Complicated SMSF investment structures and avoiding the NALI minefield (Copy)

Complicated SMSF investment structures and avoiding the NALI minefield (Copy)

Key learnings from ATO Determinations

The non-arm’s income rules, or NALI, have been around for decades. Despite that, historically, they have been rarely invoked by the ATO and largely ignored by many advisors and trustees.

ATO to apply a more lenient approach to SG penalties

ATO to apply a more lenient approach to SG penalties

The super guarantee (SG) amnesty ended on 7 September 2020. The SG amnesty allowed employers to disclose and pay previously unpaid SG charge, including nominal interest, for the quarters between 1 July 1992 to 31 March 2018 without incurring the administration component or Part 7 penalties. In addition, payments of SG charge made to the ATO under the amnesty were tax deductible to the employer.