Will employment laws change after the election?

Will employment laws change after the election?

A Federal Election is anticipated in the first half of this year. If current opinion polls are to be believed there is a real possibility that the Government will change, which is likely to result in industrial relations reform. 

Payroll tax cuts in regional Victoria

Payroll tax cuts in regional Victoria

Thousands of businesses across regional Victoria have already taken advantage of the Victorian Government’s regional payroll tax cuts, which have saved businesses more than $31 million in the first financial year it was introduced.

Sladen Snippet - Fair Work Commission holds that implying that a supervisor is overweight is a valid reason for dismissal.

Sladen Snippet - Fair Work Commission holds that implying that a supervisor is overweight is a valid reason for dismissal.

Temperature regulation in the office can be a source of frustration for employees, with it being near impossible for the thermostat to maintain a temperature that suits everyone.

Sladen Snippet - Employer lawfully terminates employee who was victim of domestic violence after going ‘above and beyond’ to assist

Sladen Snippet - Employer lawfully terminates employee who was victim of domestic violence after going ‘above and beyond’ to assist

In a recent Fair Work Commission decision, Commissioner David Gregory held that Champions IGA lawfully terminated the employment of an employee who was subject to domestic violence.  

Sladen Snippet - Amendment to National Employment Standards includes five days’ unpaid domestic violence leave

Sladen Snippet - Amendment to National Employment Standards includes five days’ unpaid domestic violence leave

Unpaid family and domestic violence leave have been enshrined in Australian law, with almost all Australian employees now having access to five days’ unpaid family and domestic violence leave each year.

CGT Discount Denied for Employee Share Scheme interest holder

CGT Discount Denied for Employee Share Scheme interest holder

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) has denied a taxpayer a capital gains tax (CGT) discount on a gain on the disposal of shares she acquired as part of an employee share scheme (ESS).

Sladen Snippet - Fox v FC of T: A cautionary tale on Employee Share Schemes

Sladen Snippet - Fox v FC of T: A cautionary tale on Employee Share Schemes

A taxpayer has been found liable for a tax bill of $106,058 in relation to shares they acquired as part of an employee share scheme (ESS) with their previous employer, NewSat Limited, a now insolvent company with a share value of nil. 

Sladen Snippet - Government to consider individual tax residency rules

Sladen Snippet - Government to consider individual tax residency rules

On 9 July 2018, in a Media Release, the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, announced the release of the self-initiated Board of Taxation report, dated August 2017, on a new tax residency model for individuals.  Minister O’Dwyer requested further analysis and consideration on the key recommendations before the Government takes a position on this matter. 

Sladen Snippet - Minimum wage increase of 3.5 per cent as of 1 July 2018

Sladen Snippet - Minimum wage increase of 3.5 per cent as of 1 July 2018

Today, the Expert Panel for annual wage reviews (Panel) of the Fair Work Commission (Commission) has held that it is appropriate to increase the modern award minimum wages by 3.5 per cent. The national minimum wage (NMW) will now be $719.20 per week (that is, $18.93 per hour). The determinations and order giving effect to the Panel’s decision will come into operation on 1 July 2018.

Uber Drivers Contractors for Now, but Deputy President Contemplates Changes to Test

Uber Drivers Contractors for Now, but Deputy President Contemplates Changes to Test

In a recent Fair Work Commission decision, Deputy President Val Gostencnik found that under Australian law, Uber drivers are independent contractors, and therefore ineligible for unfair dismissal protection.  However, DP Gostencnik commented that due to the increasing “gig economy”:

Fair Work Commission hands down Annual Wage Review Decision and Penalty Rates Transitional Arrangements Decision

Fair Work Commission hands down Annual Wage Review Decision and Penalty Rates Transitional Arrangements Decision

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has just handed down 2 significant decisions, namely the Annual Wage Review decision and the rollout of the decision to reduce Sunday and Public Holiday penalty rates in select awards. These decisions will have implications for employers from 1 July 2017.

Sladen Snippet - Accounting firm liable for involvement in client’s underpayment of wages

Sladen Snippet - Accounting firm liable for involvement in client’s underpayment of wages

In the landmark decision of Fair Work Ombudsman v Blue Impression Pty Ltd & Ors [2017] FCCA 810, the Federal Circuit Court has found that Melbourne accounting firm, Ezy Accounting 123 Pty Ltd (Ezy Accounting), was knowingly involved and accessorially liable for its client’s failure to pay its employees award rates of pay.

Sladen Snippet - New rules for clearly distinguishable advertising

Sladen Snippet - New rules for clearly distinguishable advertising

In the digital age, brands are increasingly making use of innovative marketing and advertising such as native or integrated advertising, social media accounts, bloggers and Instagram influencers. These strategies have been shown to increase audience engagement and brand awareness, and are an effective use of a marketing budget.