New super laws - transfer balance cap – transitional CGT relief – cost base reset

New super laws - transfer balance cap – transitional CGT relief – cost base reset

The transfer balance cap measure includes a transitional CCT relief via a cost base reset. This relief is designed to ensure that only capital growth post the introduction of all of transfer balance cap (ie from 1 July 2017) is taxed. However, like all of the new measures the relief is complicated and requires careful consideration prior to 1 July 2017.

Consolidations - ACA calculations and pre-CGT assets - High Court denies special leave in Financial Synergy Holdings case

Consolidations - ACA calculations and pre-CGT assets - High Court denies special leave in Financial Synergy Holdings case

Financial Synergy Holdings Pty Ltd v FC of T [2016] FCAFC 31 - High Court denies application for special leave to appeal

Sladen Snippet - Son entitled to an interest in the family home

Sladen Snippet - Son entitled to an interest in the family home

In Behman v Behman [2016] NSWCA 295, the Supreme Court of NSW confirmed the primary judge’s finding that the respondent was entitled to an equitable proprietary estoppel founded on the basis of the appellant’s representations of him having an interest in the family property. 

Sladen Snippet - ATO update to the AXA Part IVA Decision Impact Statement and PS LA 2005/24

Sladen Snippet - ATO update to the AXA Part IVA Decision Impact Statement and PS LA 2005/24

The ATO has recently updated its Decision Impact Statement on FCT v AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd 2010 ATC 20-224 to include amendments made in September 2016. 


Sladen Snippet - Proposed “aggregate scheme” amendments to the debt-equity tax rules

Sladen Snippet - Proposed “aggregate scheme” amendments to the debt-equity tax rules

On 10 October 2016, the Federal Government released an Exposure Draft to implement changes to the debt and equity tax rules in Division 974 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The Exposure Draft is intended to effect recommendations made by the Board of Taxation in its April 2015 report Review of the Debt and Equity Tax Rules.

Sladen Snippet – ATO releases further determination on the application of NALI to non-commercial related party LRBA loans

Sladen Snippet – ATO releases further determination on the application of NALI to non-commercial related party LRBA loans

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released Taxation Determination TD 2016/16 which provides further guidance on its view as to the application of the non-arm’s length income (NALI) rules to the non-commercial limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans from related parties to the trustees of self managed superannuation funds (SMSF). 

"The mere existence of a “service agreement” will not mean “service charges” are deductible".

"The mere existence of a “service agreement” will not mean “service charges” are deductible".

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal’s decision in Case 4/2016 illustrates the importance of observing the terms of a Services Agreement and ensuring that the actions of the parties to the agreement are consistent with the written agreement.

Sladen Snippet - Variation to foreign resident CGT withholding payments

Sladen Snippet - Variation to foreign resident CGT withholding payments

PAYG withholding variation for foreign resident capital gains withholding payments – deceased estate and legal personal representatives