Vacant Residential Land Tax Changes and Significant Actions Required by Landowners

Vacant Residential Land Tax Changes and Significant Actions Required by Landowners

Changes to the Victorian vacant residential land tax (VRLT) will take effect from 1 January 2025 and 1 January 2026.

As vacant residential land tax assessments for 2025 will be based on usage from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2025- it is critical that landowners are across the changes now.

Holiday homes to be hit by Victoria’s vacant residential land tax unless usage documented

Holiday homes to be hit by Victoria’s vacant residential land tax unless usage documented

Expansion of the Vacant Residential Land Tax, from 1 January 2025, will start to capture holiday homes outside of inner/middle Melbourne. Therefore, holiday homeowners should consider their vacant residential land tax position.

Are Foreign Surcharge Stamp Duty and Land Taxes Illegal?

Are Foreign Surcharge Stamp Duty and Land Taxes Illegal?

The Federal Government’s Mid-Year Economic and Financial Outlook 2023-24 (MYEFO) (released on 13 December 2023) has again raised the legality of the ability of the States to impose foreign purchaser land transfer (stamp) duty surcharge and foreign owner land tax (together, the foreign surcharges).

Baullo – Forgiveness of beneficiary loans trigger land transfer (stamp) duty for a distribution of a property from a trust

Baullo – Forgiveness of beneficiary loans trigger land transfer (stamp) duty for a distribution of a property from a trust

It has been a long held view of the State Revenue Office (SRO) that if beneficiary loans are forgiven in connection with a distribution of real estate from a discretionary trust to a beneficiary, then the duty exemption in section 36A of the Duties Act 2000 (Vic) will not apply and the transfer will trigger land transfer (stamp) duty.

Another day another Victorian tax, prohibition against adjusting land tax and other (nasty) changes

Another day another Victorian tax, prohibition against adjusting land tax and other (nasty) changes

Without consultation, the Victorian Government has introduced the State Taxation Acts and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2023 (Bill) which will make a number of significant changes.

NSW foreign surcharges – international tax treaties update – more countries excluded from the regime

NSW foreign surcharges – international tax treaties update – more countries excluded from the regime

In our previous article, we discuss Revenue NSW’s announcement that it has determined that NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax are inconsistent with international tax treaties entered into by the Australian Federal Government and certain countries (Treaty Countries).

On 29 May 2023, Revenue NSW has updated its list of Treaty Countries to now include India, Japan, Norway and Switzerland.

Victorian State Budget 2023/24 – The good, the bad and the ugly

Victorian State Budget 2023/24 – The good, the bad and the ugly

The Victorian State Budget for the 2023-2024 year (Budget) brings with it a range of state taxation measures aimed at reigning in the Victorian Government’s surging debt, currently projected at $135.4 billion for the 2023-2024 tax year and set to grow to an “eye-watering” $171.4 billion in the 2026-2027

NSW Government determines that surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax is inconsistent with international tax treaties

NSW Government determines that surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax is inconsistent with international tax treaties

On 21 February 2023 Revenue NSW announced that it has been determined that NSW surcharge purchaser duty and surcharge land tax (Surcharge Provisions) are inconsistent with international tax treaties entered into by the Australian Federal Government with New Zealand, Finland, Germany, and South Africa (Treaty Countries).

Windfall Gains Tax Deductions Shelved

Windfall Gains Tax Deductions Shelved

The introduction of windfall gains tax under the Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Act 2021 (Vic) (Act) has been highly controversial from the outset due to real concerns as to whether the tax truly captures a purported “windfall” by landowners who rezone land in Victoria and its punitive tax rate of 50% of such gains.

Vicinity Funds – Choice of forum for state taxes matters - Supreme Court vs VCAT

Vicinity Funds – Choice of forum for state taxes matters - Supreme Court vs VCAT

The High Court of Australia has dismissed the special leave application by the taxpayer, Vicinity Funds Re Ltd (Taxpayer) to appeal from a decision of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria (Court of Appeal).   

Primary production land tax exemption denied for landowner that entered into a property development agreement

Primary production land tax exemption denied for landowner that entered into a property development agreement

In the recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal) decision in Lavender Rain Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 1264 (Lavender Rain) the primary production land tax exemption for urban zoned land was denied on the basis that the land owning company operated a number of businesses, including the entering into a property development agreement.

Petroulis – Renting principal place of residence invalidates land tax exemption - Commissioner has no discretion

Petroulis – Renting principal place of residence invalidates land tax exemption - Commissioner has no discretion

The recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s (Tribunal) decision in Petroulis v Commissioner of State Revenue [2022] VCAT 1054 dismissed the taxpayers’ request for review of the land tax assessments issued by the Commissioner.

Thomas & Naaz Appeal - Payments to doctors subject to payroll tax

Thomas & Naaz Appeal - Payments to doctors subject to payroll tax

The recent New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal Appeal Panel’s (Appeal Panel) decision in Thomas and Naaz Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2022] NSWCATAP 220 dismissed the medical practice’s appeal and confirmed the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal’s (Tribunal) decision that payments from a medical practice to doctors who worked at the practice are subject to payroll tax.

Significant changes to various New South Wales state taxes legislation – State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW)

Significant changes to various New South Wales state taxes legislation – State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW)

The State Revenue and Fines Legislation Amendments (Miscellaneous) Act 2022 (NSW) (Act) received Royal Assent on 19 May 2022.

When is a unit trust not a unit trust? – when it’s a hybrid trust

When is a unit trust not a unit trust? – when it’s a hybrid trust

Both federal and state tax legislations contain different tax rules for different forms of trusts. The recent Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal) decision of Sharlin Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue (Review and Regulation) [2022] VCAT 378 has provided much-needed clarity and insights into relevant considerations to determine whether a hybrid unit trust is a unit trust or a discretionary trust for the purpose of the land tax exemption for primary production land (PPL).