Sladen Snippet - Unauthorised use of one photo cost $24,000

Ever copy a photograph from the internet without permission?

An American photographer has pursued a travel agent operating in Melbourne for the unauthorised use of a picture of Hawaii. Mr Tylor takes photographs and sells or licenses them through photo stock libraries (e.g. Getty Images). Ms Sevin published one of Mr Tylor’s photographs on her website to advertise flights to Hawaii. She is now liable to pay Mr Tylor $24,000 for copyright infringement and costs.

Many people believe they can grab a picture from a Google image search and use it as they choose. Just because it’s on the internet, doesn’t mean it can be used without permission or a licence - this conduct usually constitutes copyright infringement and the Courts are sending a strong message this is unacceptable.

“It would not be unreasonable to say that there are many people utilising images for which they have no licence, without realising the gravity of the situation… This case will be important because, through it, it will be made clear that this conduct cannot continue.”

Case: Tylor v Sevin [2014] FCCA 445

Michelle Dowdle
Special Counsel
T +61 3 9611 0114| M +61 408 674 256