Balancing Super and Family Trust Issues in Blended Families

This paper was presented by Amanda Morton and Rob Jeremiah at the Eighth Annual Estate Planning Conference Television Education Network, held on 20 March, 2014.

The purpose of this paper is to discuss a number of tools which may be used to implement an estate plan and to achieve the client’s objectives.

Given (unfortunately) that disputes are more likely to arise between family members upon the death of a client in a blended family situation, it is most important that proper consideration be given to the client’s estate plan and how to achieve their objectives.  

Dealing with estate planning in a blended family situation is a balancing act between the needs and interests of all members of the family and between the provision made for those family members from superannuation, trust assets and personal assets.

To read the full paper you can download a PDF version here: Balancing Super and Family Trust Issues in Blended Families  

Rob Jeremiah
Sladen Legal
+61 3 9611 0103|  +61 418 500 363

Amanda Morton
Special Counsel
Sladen Legal
+61 3 9611 0113|  +61 421 000 195