Sladen Snippet - Budget – Increased fines for breaching workplace laws

According to the latest budget handed down last night from Treasurer Joe Hockey, penalty units (ie. fines) for breaching federal laws are set to rise from $170.00 to $180.00 (per unit) from 31 July 2015.

 The maximum penalty for a breach of the Fair Work Act 2009 is:

  • 300 penalty units for a corporation; and
  • 60 penalty units for an individual.

This means that corporations and individuals may now face fines of up to $54,000 and $10,800 respectively.

The government has also announced that it intends to introduce ongoing indexation of penalty units based on the Consumer Price Index (to occur on 1 July every three years).

If you would like further information on employment, industrial relations and OH&S, please contact:

Louise Houlihan
Sladen Legal
03 9611 0144


Joanna Bandara
Sladen Legal
03 9611 0196