SMSFs and Real Estate Upon the Death of a Survivor

A typical Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), being the classic “mum and dad” SMSF, generally transitions pretty smoothly through the lifecycle of its members. This includes the accumulation of assets in the growth/accumulation stage and managing benefit payments through the pension stage. It also usually transitions smoothly on the death of the first with the ability to pay a death pension to the survivor.

However, there is one event that can create significant transition issues for SMSFs, being the death of the surviving spouse, particularly in instances where the fund holds lumpy assets such as real estate.

Phil Broderick, Principal at Sladen Legal, has released his paper on SMSFs and Real Estate Upon the Death of a Survivor, from his Television Education Network (TEN) webinar in November 2014.  

In this paper, Phil concentrates on this particular event, and analyses the issues of what to do and how to plan for the death of a surviving spouse, where most of the assets of the SMSF are real estate.

Read the full paper

For further information please contact:

Phil Broderick
Sladen Legal
+61 3 9611 0163  |  +61 419 512 801