Sladen Snippet – 2015 Intergenerational Report and Australian migration

Sladen Snippet – 2015 Intergenerational Report and Australian migration

Underpinning any discussion of the shape and demographics of Australia into the future must consider migration.

Recently, the Commonwealth government released the ‘2015 Intergenerational Report’ which assesses the long-term sustainability of current Government policies and how changes to Australia’s population size and age profile may impact on economic growth, workforce and public finances over the next 40 years. 

Sladen Snippet - A warning to exercise caution in disclosing the ‘gist’ of advice: implied waiver of legal professional privilege

Sladen Snippet - A warning to exercise caution in disclosing the ‘gist’ of advice: implied waiver of legal professional privilege

The recent Federal Court case of Krok v Commissioner of Taxation has provided a reminder that a taxpayer may impliedly waive their right to legal professional privilege by disclosing documents which refer to the purpose and reasoning of legal advice. As a result of the implied waiver, the taxpayer may be required to discover documents that would otherwise have been protected by legal professional privilege.

Navigating family law settlements

Navigating family law settlements

This article was written by Renuka Somers for the Tax Institute’s Journal, Taxation in Australia, published in November 2014.

It discusses some of the taxation and trusts issues encountered when structuring family law settlements. Managing these issues appropriately through careful planning and the preparation of appropriate documentation can ensure the best financial and taxation outcome for clients.

SMSFs, trusts and property development: part 1

SMSFs, trusts and property development: part 1

Self-managed superannuation funds1 (SMSFs) have been carrying on property development activities ever since they came into existence. Such activities are either done directly by the SMSF or more commonly through a structure (typically, a trust). Yet, despite this, there is still a common concern that such activities will cause the SMSF to become non-complying, or subject to penalties, on the basis that such activities, and in particular undertaking a property development business, are prohibited

UPEs and the maximum net asset value test

UPEs and the maximum net asset value test

This article was written by Renuka Somers for the Tax Institute’s Journal, “Taxation in Australia”, and published in April 2014.

This article discusses the complexity associated with a trust satisfying the maximum net asset value test for the purposes of accessing the capital gains tax (CGT) small business concessions, where it is unclear whether an unpaid present entitlement would be classified as a liability relating to the CGT assets of the trust.

Navigating family law settlements

Navigating family law settlements

This article discusses some of the taxation and trusts issues encountered when structuring family law settlements. Managing these issues appropriately through careful planning and the preparation of appropriate documentation can ensure the best financial and taxation outcome for clients

Sladen Snippet: Business Restructure Roll-Overs Extended in New Tax Law

Sladen Snippet: Business Restructure Roll-Overs Extended in New Tax Law

The Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2014 Measures No 6) Bill 2014 (the Bill) was introduced to Parliament on 30 October 2014.

Schedule 1 of the Bill seeks to amend the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to extend the CGT roll-over relief afforded under certain replacement asset roll-overs to revenue assets and trading stock.

Creating the right environment for start-ups

Creating the right environment for start-ups

Proposed amendments to the employee share scheme provisions for start-ups.

On 14 October 2014, the Honourable Bruce Billson, the Honourable Tony Abbott and the Honourable Joe Hockey issued a media release titled "Encouraging employee share ownership and entrepreneurship".

The position of the Government in respect of the application of the employee share scheme (ESS) provisions to start ups has been long awaited, with it being seen as fundamental to the innovative nature of start-up companies, and the need to ensure that they retain a work environment that fosters new ideas.

Read The Trust Deed: Pope’s Case - Unpaid Present Entitlement and Bad Debt Deductions

Read The Trust Deed: Pope’s Case - Unpaid Present Entitlement and Bad Debt Deductions

A recent case in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Pope v FC, known as Pope’s Case) is of interest to taxpayers and their advisers, with respect to the characterisation of unpaid trust entitlements (UPEs) as loans.

In this case, Deputy President Hack characterised amounts previously distributed to the taxpayer, Pope, from the Pope Family Trust, and remaining unpaid as being debt at the time, that the amounts were written off by the Pope as being bad. Pope had previously included the UPEs in his assessable income in the income years in which the distributions were made and sought to obtain a deduction for those UPEs when they were irrecoverable from the Trust.

Project DO IT Alert

Project DO IT Alert

A reminder that voluntary disclosures pursuant to the Australian Tax Office’s (ATO) “Project DO IT” initiative must be made before 19 December 2014. Having regard to the difficulties often encountered and the general time frames required to obtain necessary information sourced from offshore third parties, the time to prepare for, and draft, voluntary disclosures taxpayers considering making a voluntary disclosure pursuant to the Project DO IT program would be well advised to consider their eligibility for the Project DO IT initiative and begin their disclosure preparation as soon as practicably possible.

Sladen Snippet - ATO releases guidelines regarding professional firms

Sladen Snippet - ATO releases guidelines regarding professional firms

New guidelines released by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) will assess tax compliance risks associated with the allocation of profits from professional services firms operating in the accounting, architectural, engineering, financial services, legal and medical professions.

Division 7A - Commissioner’s Discretion, ADR and ATO Internal Facilitation

Division 7A - Commissioner’s Discretion, ADR and ATO Internal Facilitation

This paper was presented by Rob Jeremiah at the 2nd Annual Trusts and Companies Taxation Symposium Television Education Network, held on 7 August, 2014.

The paper focuses on dealing with situations where non-compliance with of Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 has been discovered, and understanding the operation of the Commissioner of Taxation’s discretion to disregard Division 7A. The paper considers the interplay of making a voluntary disclosure and requests to apply the Commissioner’s discretion and the application of the Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Australian Tax Office’s Internal Facilitation process.

Sladen Snippet - Transfers of cash and property from private companies in family law settlements

Sladen Snippet - Transfers of cash and property from private companies in family law settlements

On 30 July 2014 the Australian Taxation Office issued Taxation Ruling TR 2014/5 (previously released in draft form as TR 2013/D6) to address the tax effect of private companies paying money or transferring property to shareholders or their associates, in order to satisfy Family Court orders made pursuant to section 79 of the Family Law Act 1975.

Options Paper - Australia’s Charities and Not-for-profits

Options Paper - Australia’s Charities and Not-for-profits

The Options Paper, Australia’s Charities and Not-for-profits has been released to seek feedback on proposed arrangements for charities in Australia following the Government’s planned repeal of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). The Government’s proposed arrangements attempt to balance reducing the administrative burden of reporting obligations with the need for public accountability.

Sladen Snippet - Changes to the Primary Production Exemption for Land Tax

Sladen Snippet - Changes to the Primary Production Exemption for Land Tax

The Victorian State Revenue Office has recently released General Information Bulletin GEN 2/14 in relation to recent duty and land tax changes that received Royal Assent on 17 June 2014. Of particular note is the change to the area defined as “Greater Melbourne” for the purposes of the Primary Land Tax Exemption.

GST Groups - Indirect Tax Sharing and Funding Agreements

GST Groups - Indirect Tax Sharing and Funding Agreements

Sladen Legal can now assist GST groups with Indirect Tax Sharing and Funding Agreements.

There are multiple complex taxation laws governing GST Groups. Therefore, it is crucial to have the appropriate documentation in place to clearly define (and be able to determine) each member’s rights and obligations, and thereby avoid any adverse tax consequences.

Div 7A loans and sub-trust investment arrangements – 15 May 2014 deadline

Div 7A loans and sub-trust investment arrangements – 15 May 2014 deadline

A reminder that with 15 May 2014 (being the due date for lodgement of the 2013 FY income tax return for most trusts) fast approaching, it is time to review prior year unpaid present entitlements (UPEs) owing from trusts to private companies and ensure that appropriate documentation is in place prior to that date.

UPEs And The Maximum Net Asset Value Test

UPEs And The Maximum Net Asset Value Test

This article discusses the complexity associated with a trust satisfying the maximum net asset value test for the purposes of accessing the capital gains tax (CGT) small business concessions where it is unclear whether an unpaid present entitlement (UPE) would be classified as a liability relating to the CGT assets of the trust.