Sladen Snippet – ATO extends lodgement date for 2015/16 SMSF returns to 30 June 2017

In a welcome move, the ATO has announced that it will extend the lodgement date for 2015/16 SMSF annual tax returns to 30 June 2017. This is to enable tax agents and SMSF advisors to focus on providing appropriate advisory services to their SMSF clients ahead of the imminent start date of the new super laws.

To discuss this further or for more information please contact:

Phil Broderick
Sladen Legal
T +61 3 9611 0163  l M +61 419 512 801   
Level 5, 707 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3008, Victoria, Australia

Melissa Colaluca
Sladen Legal
T +61 3 9611 0161
Level 5, 707 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3008, Victoria, Australia