Sladen Snippet - ATO Decision Impact Statement on the control of a trust

Sladen Snippet - ATO Decision Impact Statement on the control of a trust

On 19 March 2014, the ATO issued its decision impact statement (DIS) on the AAT decision in Gutteridge & Anor v FC of T 2013 ATC.

In that case, a trust made capital gains from the sale of business assets and the taxpayers, Mr and Mrs Gutteridge, sought to apply the small business capital gains tax concessions when taxed on the capital gain. The Commissioner, in applying the $6 million maximum net asset value ("MNAV") test held that the trust was controlled by the taxpayers’ daughter who was the sole director and shareholder of the corporate trustee, and included the values of the assets held by a company also controlled by her on the basis that it was “connected with” the trust. As a consequence, the trust failed to satisfy the MNAV.

Collection of a Consolidated Group’s Tax Liabilities

Collection of a Consolidated Group’s Tax Liabilities

On 7 November 2013 the ATO released a Practice Statement (Practice Statement Law Administration 2013/5 (PS LA 2013/5)) which details the Commissioner’s policy (previously included in Chapter 35 of the ATO’s Receivables Policy) in relation to:

  1. the collection of group liabilities from the Head Company, member entities and entities that have exited a Consolidated Group;
  2. Tax Sharing Agreements (TSAs); and
  3. the requirements for a member entity to make a “clear exit” from the Group.


New Commissioner of taxation – New emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution

New Commissioner of taxation – New emphasis on Alternative Dispute Resolution

In his address at the Tax Institute’s 28th Annual Convention in Perth on 14 March this year, the newly appointed Commissioner of Taxation, Chris Jordan (Commissioner) prioritised the increasing use of dispute resolution processes to resolve taxpayer disputes in a timely manner.

FCT v Greenhatch - CGT Streaming Appeal

FCT v Greenhatch - CGT Streaming Appeal

On 10 May 2013, the High Court of Australia refused the taxpayer special leave to appeal FCT v Greenhatch [2012] FCAFC 84; [2011] AATA 479.

Accordingly, prior to 1 July 2010 and the amendments made by TLAM No 5 2011, differential streaming of capital gains between trust beneficiaries was ineffective. The beneficiaries of any trust that has differently streamed capital gains will have an exposure to audit activity, amended assessments and penalties.