Modest and infrequent maintenance activities of a property whose “main use” is to derive rent will not entitle a taxpayer to access the small business CGT concessions.

Modest and infrequent maintenance activities of a property whose “main use” is to derive rent will not entitle a taxpayer to access the small business CGT concessions.

In its recent decision in The Executors of the Estate of the late Peter Fowler and Commissioner of Taxation, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) held that Mr Fowler was not entitled to apply the small business capital gains tax (CGT) concessions in Division 152 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, on the sale of a block of 10 residential units (Manly Property) as he was not carrying on a business and the Manly Property did not qualify as an “active asset”.

Profit from the development and sale of a commercial property on capital account despite development activities undertaken by private family group

Profit from the development and sale of a commercial property on capital account despite development activities undertaken by private family group

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) recently held in FLZY and Commissioner of Taxation that profit arising from the sale of a building by a family trust gave rise to a capital gain despite the property building, development and investment activities undertaken by the privately held family group (Group).