It’s been the most unusual of years but the employment law developments don’t stop occurring. Business conditions are challenging and unfair dismissal applications are at an all-time high. While we can’t unfortunately gather together to discuss these developments we can invite you to an online meeting, share a screen and talk through the latest employment law developments direct to your living room.
One you have registered you will be sent a personalised link to access the webinar via zoom.
All attendees will need their own registration link.
Event Information
Jasmine O’Brien
Hosted by Jasmine O’Brien and her team – the topics of the day will include:
the latest unfair dismissal and general protections cases;
the latest on JobKeeper and the flexibilities it allows;
a sweet victory for Mondelez (and what it means for personal leave accrual);
tips and tricks about restructures and redundancies;
workers compensation issues when employees are working from home;
directives to attend the office, resume travel and attend face-to-face meetings; and directions to take annual leave.