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Can an employer call (for) the shots?

It's the question everyone's asking - can I make vaccinations mandatory in my workplace?   The answer is not easy to find and the goalposts seem to be changing daily – with newspapers, television and the media offering contradicting opinions that sometimes make it hard to sort fact from fiction.  Further, the recent announcement by SPC and Qantas to make vaccinations mandatory was greeted with significant media interest (and not all of it positive).

So what’s an employer to do, having regard to work health and safety obligations, commercial objectives, and the shared social contact we are all living through during COVID-19?
To find out, we invite you to a Sladen Legal Employment Law Webinar, hosted by Jasmine O'Brien and special guest presenter, Leigh Howard, barrister.  Leigh is a leading employment law barrister in Melbourne and was the barrister appearing in two recent mandatory vaccination cases: Barber v Goodstart Early Learning and Glover v Ozcare

We promise you a better answer than “it depends”. 

Registrations are essential.

This webinar will be recorded.  The recording and presentation will be sent to all those who register.

This webinar is complimentary.