Technology & Software
HTML Java Script Jquery Json Front-end Development Back-end Development AJAX SEO (Search Engine Optimization) IA (Information Architecture) SA (Systems Architect) CMS (Content Management System) Domain Names GUI (Graphical User Interface) Meta Data Meta Tags Plug In Wireframing Prototyping Scenario Mapping Web Hosting Cybersquatting OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Data Breach Coding Response Times Downtime Platform Portal The Cloud.
These once techie terms are becoming common place in everyday business. Businesses and individuals alike are adapting to and adopting technology like never before. Embracing technology to maximise productivity is now a necessity rather than an optional extra. And developing inventive technology is a highly sought-after commodity.
Whether a provider or customer of technology and software, key technological issues include who is the author and who is the owner of the technology and software, the granting and receiving of access by the licensing of technology and software, any applicable use restrictions, who supports the technology with fixes and updates, who is accountable for service levels, whether hosting services are required and whether any research and development is necessary.
As technology becomes more sophisticated, the law relating to technology is playing catch up. And that’s how we can help. At Sladen Legal, we assist clients in the technology space to develop strategies for managing intellectual property rights contained in developed technology, for the best way to commercialise them including advising on licensing structures like the below and on the necessary measures to ensure compliance with privacy law, data security law and confidentiality.
Possible Software Licensing Structure