Creative Works & Copyright

Copyright protects your work, you own it and you are the only person that can give permission for someone to copy it

If you work in the space of graphic design, industrial design, user experience design, architectural design, the visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, any art, then becoming familiar with copyright is essential. Copyright is not a registrable right in Australia but instead automatically comes into existence at the time “the work” is created.

That is where the simplicity of copyright law ends.  There are many layers of complexity when it comes to works of copyright and there are many myths about its nature.  Have you heard of any of these:

  • If I pay a designer for the creation of copyright I own it

  • I can purchase works of copyright without a written agreement

  • Everything on the Internet is ‘public domain’ and free to use

  • Anything without a copyright notice is not protected

  • I can legally copy 10% without it being an infringement

Consider those myths busted.  At Sladen Legal, we are at our happiest working with creatives to protect their copyright creations including assisting in copyright ownership issues, the sale and transfer of works of copyright, and helping through any disputes relating to copyright works.

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Poll for Copyright in Quilt Cover Designs